WWE’s Vince McMahon Faces Serious Charges of Abuse and Exploitation

Carl Charlbury
Armchair Leg Drop
3 min readJan 26, 2024


Image via WWE

In a shocking development reported by The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, Janel Grant, an ex-employee of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), has lodged a federal lawsuit against Vince McMahon, the former chairman and chief executive officer of WWE. This suit was instituted in the U.S. District Court of Connecticut and charges McMahon with severe infringements such as physical and emotional maltreatment, sexual assault as well as trafficking allegations. The inception of this complex legal dispute took place on January 25th, 2024 and recounts unsettling circumstances stretching from years 2019 to 2022.

McMahon’s WWE Exploitation and Trafficking

Entire Court Document Reading

The litigation alleges that McMahon, who was subject to an internal probe in 2022 due to accusations of impropriety, committed sexual exploitation and trafficking crimes on Janel Grant over a span of three years. Named alongside him as defendants in the lawsuit are another WWE senior executive, John Laurinaitis and the corporation itself. In line with Grant’s formal complaint, it has been claimed that McMahon not only subjected her to various degrees of sexual exploitation but also exerted absolute dominion over her both professionally and personally.

Nondisclosure Agreement and Monetary Deals

Allegedly, McMahon exerted considerable pressure on Grant to sign a nondisclosure agreement, offering her a sum of $3 million in an attempt to secure her silence about their past relationship. The filed lawsuit aims to invalidate this agreement while it also seeks an indeterminate amount for punitive damages as well as legal expenses. As per the complaint’s details, McMahon reportedly did not adhere to his financial commitments beyond the preliminarily settled payment of $1 million, consequently leaving Grant financially vulnerable and compromised.

Graphic Descriptions of Physical And Psychological Abuse

Grant’s complaint paints a harrowing picture of her time at WWE headquarters in Stamford, Conn. McMahon is accused of taking nude photos of her, filming intimate acts, and subsequently using these materials to intimidate her into silence. The abuse is described as escalating into violence, with McMahon allegedly pressuring Grant into engaging in sexual acts with other individuals, including the co-defendant John Laurinaitis.

The lawsuit alleges that the maltreatment endured by Grant resulted in profound post-traumatic stress and contemplations of suicide, demonstrating its crippling nature. Subsequent to his departure from WWE, Grant encountered significant challenges in securing employment attributable to the residual trauma underscored by the abuse’s alleged severe and enduring ramifications.

Flaws in the 2022 WWE Investigation

The ongoing litigation introduces significant queries concerning the efficacy of the 2022 internal investigation, carried out by a select committee of WWE’s board of directors. Particularly, it pertains to questions about McMahon’s behavior under scrutiny. Allegations within the lawsuit suggest that Grant was not included in proceedings during this investigative process — these assertions paint the entire operation as a quote, “sham.” This consequently casts considerable doubts on both exhaustiveness and trustworthiness of said internal investigation.

McMahon’s WWE Resignation And Return

During the 2022 investigation, Mr. McMahon temporarily stepped down from his position at WWE, yet maintained a dominant stake as an investor. Even though no legal accusations were levied against him, he firmly refuted any deliberate misconduct in a statement released the preceding year. Moreover, demonstrating accountability for the expenses accrued due to investigation procedures, Mr. McMahon compensated WWE in full and reassumed leadership of the entity at the commencement of 2023.

The litigation initiated by Janel Grant against Vince McMahon and his associates uncovers startling claims of indiscretions within the wrestling profession, highlighting potential pitfalls inherent in internal evaluations. As this judicious dispute progresses, it illuminates intricate facets of authority and dominion prevalent in elite corporate structures. The resolution of this lawsuit is bound to profoundly impact not only the parties implicated but also will certainly cast a ripple effect on the larger framework for accountability within the sphere of professional wrestling.



Carl Charlbury
Armchair Leg Drop

Carl Charlbury of ArmchairLegDrop.com is a lifelong professional wrestling fan who started with JCP/WCW & views the industry through the eyes of a "Humble Mark"