Life and Philosophy

What Choice Do We Really Have Between Good and Evil?

A philosophical stroll exploring free will in a dysfunctional world.

Ed Luo
Armchair Musings
Published in
11 min readJan 14, 2024


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Dysfunctional worlds create dysfunctional people. History proves that. And in my philosophical journey into morality, ethics, and happiness, I’ve inevitably had to think about mankind’s history of evil. There’s always been an allure to the dark side because of taboos and power, so people live life in this balancing act to resist evil impulses.

Some have chosen religion and scripture as their guide to goodness. Others have chosen science, innovation, and net positivity.

Most of us have goodness in our gut, an innate sense of right or wrong mixed with a pinch of genuine altruism. That’s been my firm belief throughout all of history — that this social sense of good eventually overcomes the seductive beckoning of malice — because that’s how society has made gradual forward progress over the eons. Otherwise, we would’ve killed each other long ago.

This is a follow-up to a prior musing where we talked about Good and Evil, and we explored societal norms, intentions, and outcomes to determine what is “moral.” From a very outcome-based POV, an individual’s actions matter most for determining what is “good” and…



Ed Luo
Armchair Musings

Compliance and Product executive, Financial Freedom at 31. Top writer in Finance. Creator of Armchair Musings. Read more: