Masculinity and Life

The 6 Best Masculine Virtues of My Male Friends

As told just before my wedding.

Ed Luo
Armchair Musings
Published in
9 min readJun 19, 2023


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I gave a 30+ minute rehearsal dinner speech this spring season. They say that rehearsal dinner speeches should never be longer than the ceremony itself. I pushed the envelope of patience that night.

For it was in front of a core group of people that mattered.

They are the only ones that matter — our closest friends and family members.

I’m pretty proud of that speech, so I’m taking that long-winded content and rehashing it for today’s blog subject. What I said aloud was too good to waste on lost sound waves, and I selfishly feel the need to memorialize some of that content. This is also a good contrast to my last article about 5 “false” virtues.

As a lifelong Stoic that has blended aspects of Buddhism and Taoism to lead a life of balance and love, parts of my core philosophy have always echoed the four virtues of classical Stoicism: Wisdom, Justice, Courage, and Moderation/Temperance.



Ed Luo
Armchair Musings

Compliance and Product executive, Financial Freedom at 31. Top writer in Finance. Creator of Armchair Musings. Read more: