2017 Year in Review

Let’s figure out what’s been shaking in 2017 the year and try and make some peace before moving forward.

Armchair Society


The year 2017 has been a long and tumultuous decade for most of us. For those foolish enough to leave 2016 behind with the hope of “the future,” I am truly sorry, but you also should have known better. For the rest of us, this has pretty much progressed in the most predictable way possible from start to finish. The year itself wasn’t without it’s ups and downs, but the downs felt so low that ups barely got us back to sea level.

In reality though, as this arbitrarily designated stretch of time passes and we enter another, equal just as arbitrarily designated stretch of time, it is customary to look back at what has come to pass.

From sports, to politics to everything in between, 2017 has certainly been eventful. Keep checking back here throughout the week for more Year in Review Goodness.

The World

As 2016 came to a close I decided that I may never again in my life trust Nate Silver with literally anything. It was a solemn moment of a Trump victory for the most of us. What followed was by no means less eventful. Still, some of the change was entirely positive, from sexual assault revelations that shook the most powerful men in Hollywood to Alabama voting Democrat for the first time in a long time. The World in 2017 is a weird place.

