Some insights about the current state of the VC Industry…
… from our 2024 Investors’ Day
🎬 Our recent Investors’ Day was filled with exciting updates about Armilar and the Venture Capital market!
During the event, our very own @Joaquim Servulo Rodrigues provided a comprehensive update on the Armilar journey, while @Duarte Mineiro shared insights into our upcoming Armilar IV Fund, highlighting our dedication to driving innovation forward. We were also thrilled to have @Pedro Ribeiro Santos present an insightful review of the current state and emerging trends within the VC Industry.
Following multiple suggestions and the overwhelmingly positive feedback we received, we’ve decided to share with the community the live presentation made by @Pedro Ribeiro Santos on the State of the VC Industry.
In summary, we observed a liquidity shortage in Late Stage, leading companies to delay exit plans and often seek refuge in the secondary market. Early Stage also experienced a significant decrease in activity, while Seed stage investors remained bullish, with ample deal flow and AI innovations driving productivity. This presents a clear opportunity at the Seed to Early Stage interface, what we’ve called the “Bottleneck Opportunity”. Discover more in the live Presentation below…
While we may be experiencing a winter in VC, there is no sign of it being an ice age like we had two decades ago, but rather a temporary cool-down after a hot summer. Just like in winter, beneath the frozen surface, opportunities await to bloom, and we all know that winter always gives way to spring!
A big thank you to all investors and friends who attended and made this event so special!
Queries, constructive criticism and suggestions are very welcome. Please direct them to
Live presentation authored by Pedro Ribeiro Santos