
Anitha Kale
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2020

In the last semester of engineering, many college students actively start applying for internship in different company.

At Arnekt we receive many applications for internship. After dealing with interns across for quite a few years we decided to get on a mission to get into guiding the interns about what is expected out of them and how they should go about the internship period. The preparations, sorting out the purpose, code of conduct etc. The blog is an attempt to give first hand feedback about the above mentioned.

So what is Internship all about?

Most of the interns have an outlook of securing a job in the organisation. That pops up an interesting question, is Internship only about securing a job, or is it to realize an individual’s potential, knowledge and apply and test the engineering that he/she have studied so far.

After college we are actually not sure what is our potential, where exactly is our area of interest. For eg: A computer engineer would not know whether he wants to pursue his career in being a developer, tester, dev-ops, BPO, designer, business analyst, solutions side, technology side etc.

Again for a developer he won’t know whether his/her liking is towards Java development, C#, C++ development, Database administration, Python/AI and so on.

Apart from choosing the path and technology what matters the most is the art of self-learning, pro activeness.

Yes, these make a difference, along with sincerity which is the most important thing for a successful internship, sincerity towards work, toward giving respect to seniors, towards learning office etiquette and other values like being a good team player, quickly learning or adapting new technology, etc.

- after working for few months as an intern, you definitely get a feel of what technology you want to pursue in life which never gets clear when you are in college.

- once it gets clear, your focus should be to achieve it with the best of your sincerity and determination.

- there are also chances that the field/technology in which you are assigned to, if you give your best, you can get bigger opportunities in it as well and can build a very good career, sometimes the key is expecting the unexpected and use that as building blocks in your career.

One most important benefit from an internship is that you can observe and learn practically from your senior’s experiences, which will be a booster in your career.

What I experienced with a hands-on internship is really a practice. However, it is more important to talk about the actual work experience, the points you have devised in performing the work, and the feelings with specific examples rather than appealing the skills. What is not good is to convey only results and achievements. It’s not enough to know just the outcome.

The journey is important than the destination, similarly result happens out of a process, it’s important to learn that process. Of course, no one undermines the importance of a result.

There are various things that each company wants to do, the future direction of the company, and their vision, and each company is different. In an extreme sense, what you appeal to should be different for each company. By grasping the experience gained from the internship from various angles and finding a number of points that can appeal to.

Depending on how you convey your internship experience, you may have defined your own approach.

In brief there are 6 points to look back on the internship

1. Why I decided to join the internship

2. Why did you participate in the internship of the company?

3. Experiences (* Practical internship participants have detailed work content)

4. Points devised in conducting the project/work

5. What I felt when carrying out the project/work

6. What I realized by participating in the internship

To conclude: What companies observe after completing the internship is the sense of responsibility in working, the way of thinking, how to catch things, how to approach issues, problem solving attitude and the communication ability.

