The Credential Management API

Arnelle Balane
Arnelle’s Blog
Published in
8 min readAug 27, 2017

The Credential Management API is a browser API which provides programmatic access to the browser’s credential manager and helps users sign in to our apps more easily and seamlessly. It allows web apps to store and retrieve user credentials, and offers a lot of benefits:

  1. Reduces sign in flow friction
    Users can be automatically signed in back into the site when their session expires, or when they’ve already signed in and saved their credentials on another device.
  2. Allows one tap sign in with account chooser
    Users can see a list of accounts that they’ve used for the app via a native account chooser widget, and with a single tap, sign in using a specific account. This capability allows users to sign in without typing passwords.
  3. Stores and syncs credentials
    Our apps can store user credentials, be it a username/password combination or federated (i.e. using third-party providers) account details. These credentials are synced across devices by the browser.

I created a demo application showcasing the Credential Management API in action, and here’s a video of how it works:

If you are viewing the demo application, here’s something cool to try out: sign in to the app using any of the available sign in methods, and choose “Save” when the browser asks you if you want to save your password or account. This saves and syncs (assuming you have sync enabled in your browser) your credentials across your other devices. Now get another device and open the demo app. It should automatically sign you in. Awesome!

At the time of writing, this API is only supported on Chrome ≥51, Opera ≥45, Android Browser 56, and Chrome for Android ≥59.

Now let’s take a look at how to use the Credential Management API to create a really cool authentication experience.

Feature Detection

Before using the API, we need to check first if the browser supports it.

if (navigator.credentials 
&& navigator.credentials.preventSilentAccess) {
// Credential Management API is supported!

There is an extra check for the presence of preventSilentAccess which checks whether the browser supports the new Credential Management API (the old version has requireUserMediation instead of preventSilentAccess).

Storing user credentials

When the user signs in to our app, we need to store their credentials so that it can be used later for auto-sign in as well as get synced across devices. This is done by storing a Credential object to the browser using

There are two types of credentials depending on how the user signed in to our app.

Signing in with username/email and password

If the user signed in with a username/email and password, we need to store an instance of PasswordCredential.

const credentials = new PasswordCredential({
id: '',
name: 'Arnelle Balane',
password: 'myawesomepassword',
iconURL: ''

Only the id and password options are required. What the value of the id option is is entirely up to us: it could be an email address, username, etc. as long as it identifies the user in our app.

Signing in with federated account

If the user signed in with a federated account (i.e. sign in with Google, Facebook, Github, etc.), we need to store an instance of FederatedCredential.

const credentials = new FederatedCredential({
id: '',
name: 'Arnelle Balane',
iconURL: '',
provider: ''

Only the id and provider options are required. The provider needs to be a valid URL identifying the credential provider, and will be shown in the account chooser as a hint for where the credentials were obtained from.

You can see from my examples that I am hard-coding credential values. You wouldn’t want to do that. The previous code snippets can be run at any point after user has signed in, when we already have access to their profile.

Note: The Credential Management API does not replace existing authentication flows and provide an alternative one. It actually supplements existing ones by storing user credentials so they can perform the authentication process a lot faster.

Upon calling, the browser will prompt the user if they want to save their password or account.

Save credentials prompt on desktop Chrome
Save credentials prompt on Chrome for Android

Clicking on the “Save” button saves the user’s credentials on the browser. We can verify that the credentials have indeed been saved by going to chrome://settings/passwords, which lists all saved passwords.


Signing in users using stored credentials

We can sign in a user using a stored credential by first obtaining which credential should be used. This can be done by calling navigator.credentials.get(), which returns a Promise that resolves into a Credential object that will be used to sign in the user or undefined if no stored credentials are found.

password: true,
federated: {
providers: [

navigator.credentials.get() accepts an options object which tells it what kinds of credentials it should look for. This object can have the following keys:

  • password: a Boolean indicating that the returned Credential instances should include user (i.e. not federated) credentials.
  • federated: an object containing requirements for returned federated credentials, and can have the following options: providers and protocols, which are arrays of providers/protocols to search for.

The code snippet above will get all stored user credentials as well as federated credentials from Google and Facebook. The providers strings need to match the provider option specified when we created the FederatedCredential instance. What happens next depends on how many credentials are found.

No credentials found

In this case,navigator.credentials.get() resolves with undefined. We can silently ignore it and let the user carry on with whatever they’re doing in our app.

One credential found

In this case, navigator.credentials.get() resolves with that one credential right away if user mediation is not required, allowing us to automatically sign in the user with it. If user mediation is required, it will open the account chooser showing just that one credential, which the user needs to explicitly select in order for our app to obtain the credential.

What is user mediation? It is when some action requires the user’s explicit consent in order for it to be performed. In the Credential Management API, it is expressed by the account chooser.

If the user gets automatically signed in, the browser lets them know about it:

Auto-sign in on desktop Chrome
Auto-sign in on Chrome for Android

More than one credentials found

In this case, the account chooser will show with all the found credentials. When the user selects an account that they want to use from the account chooser, navigator.credentials.get() will resolve with the credential corresponding to the selected account.

This is what the account chooser looks like:

Account chooser on desktop Chrome
Account chooser on Chrome for Android

Either one of the three scenarios above gives as a Credential object (unless it’s undefined). We then use this credential to sign in the user, using sign in methods that we already have.

navigator.credentials.get({ ... }).then(function(credential) {
if (credential) {

Now we only want the user to be auto-signed in or display the account chooser when the user is not currently signed in yet, so we check the user’s authentication status first before trying to get stored credentials.

if (!isSignedIn) {
navigator.credentials.get({ ... });

With this, our users now have an easy way of authenticating themselves in our apps, by either being automatically signed in or with just a single tap on the account chooser.

Signing the user out

When the user signs out of our app, we’d like to make sure that they don’t get automatically signed back in again the next time they visit the app. For this reason, there is a navigator.credentials.preventSilentAccess() method. We need to call it upon signing out the user.

function signOut() {
// Do usual sign out stuff.

This will make the API require user mediation the next time navigator.credentials.get() is called, displaying the account chooser popup, and thus preventing the user from being automatically signed in unless they explicitly sign in themselves.

Note: At the time of writing, the MDN docs for the Credential Management API currently lists preventSilentAccess() as requireUserMediation(). The latter is considered deprecated in the API’s W3C Working Draft document, and has been renamed in Chrome in the version 60 release.

Additional Notes

  1. Identifying federated provider URLs
    While reading about the Credential Management API, I wondered where the values and came from. Turns out that the Working Draft encourages every site to use the same identifier when referring to a specific federated identify provider. For consistency, federations must be identified by the origin that they use for sign in. Reference here.
  2. Compatibility with the Fetch API
    The fetch() function from the Fetch API accepts an options object that could have a credentials property. You might be familiar with it if you’ve used fetch() and wanted to include cookies with the request. This property can also be set to a Credential object from the Credential Management API.
  3. Removing stored credentials
    Currently (at least in Chrome), the only way to to remove a stored credential is via the settings page, at chrome://settings/passwords. Nothing wrong with that though technically, in fact the Working Draft states that it’s fine.
  4. HTTPS is required
    Even insecure localhost does not work, so while developing I had to use ngrok. We could use self-signed certificates as well to serve localhost via HTTPS.


Here are the resources that have helped me learn about the Credential Management API:

  1. The Credential Management API — a Web Fundamentals article from the Google Developers website.
  2. Credential Management Level 1 W3C Working Draft — for all the technical details about the API. I haven’t really read the entire thing, but it’s cool.
  3. Credential Management API MDN Docs — might be outdated at the time of writing, but still a useful reference.


I think this API is really awesome! As I noted earlier in this article, this API supplements existing sign in solutions in our applications, giving users a nice seamless experience without having to type in passwords. Browser support might still be currently low, but it is a good enhancement to add to those that support it.



Arnelle Balane
Arnelle’s Blog

Web Developer at, Co-organizer at Google Developers Group Cebu.