The Intersection Observer API

Arnelle Balane
Arnelle’s Blog
Published in
6 min readFeb 25, 2018


The Intersection Observer API is a Web platform API that allows for observing changes to how much of a target element’s area intersects with that of an ancestor element or the viewport. The need for such information has a lot of use cases, such as implementing lazy-loading and infinite scrolling, just to name a few.

It’s been historically difficult to obtain such information, and common solutions oftentimes hurt the page’s performance, but the Intersection Observer API changes all of that. This article aims to give an introduction on how the API works as well as how to use it.

Why “Intersection”?

I’ve wondered for a while why the API is called Intersection Observer, when what it does is basically report changes on how much of an element’s area is visible inside an ancestor element or the viewport. Eventually I came to realize what it actually means and this is how I like to visualize it:

Think of the browser’s viewport and the target element as their own boxes. The target element box is still somewhere at the lower part of the page and therefore not yet visible. As you scroll down, the target element box moves up, until eventually it overlaps (“intersects”!) with the the viewport box. Only then does the target element become visible on the page. The amount of this overlap or intersection is what the Intersection Observer API observes changes on.


Before we begin, here are definitions of some terminologies that are used a lot in the rest of the article:

  1. Target Element. This is the element whose intersection with an ancestor element (or the viewport) we want to observe.
  2. Intersection Root. The ancestor element or the viewport in which we will be measuring the target element’s intersection against.
  3. Intersection Ratio. How much of the target element intersects with the intersection root. It is expressed as a value between 0 and 1, inclusive, where 0 means the two don’t intersect at all and 1 means the target element completely intersects with the intersection root.

Creating an Intersection Observer

An Intersection Observer is created through the IntersectionObserver constructor. It accepts a callback function which it executes when it has intersection changes that it wants to report. Then we call its .observe() method to start observing a target element.

const observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(changes) {
// do something with the changes

By default, the Intersection Observer API uses the viewport as the intersection root, and only executes the callback when the target element enters and exits the viewport.

Specifying an intersection root

If we want to use an ancestor element as the intersection root instead of the viewport, we can do so by passing an options object as the second argument to the IntersectionObserver constructor, and specifying the root property.

const intersectionRoot = document.querySelector('#ancestor');const observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(changes) {
// do something with the changes
}, {
root: intersectionRoot


A threshold is a value in which the Intersection Observer will execute the callback function whenever the intersection ratio reaches that value (either as it increases or decreases), and is also expressed as a value between 0 and 1, inclusive.

The Intersection Observer uses a default threshold value of 0, which is why it only executes the callback function when the target element enters (i.e. crosses the intersection ratio of 0 as it starts to become visible) or exits (i.e. crosses the intersection ratio of 0 as it finally fully disappears) the intersection root.

Specifying thresholds

We can let our Intersection Observer use a different threshold value by passing a threshold property in the options object.

const observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(changes) {
// do something with the changes
}, {
threshold: 0.5

The example above executes the callback function every time the target element’s intersection ratio crosses 0.5. It is also possible to set multiple threshold values by passing an array of threshold values.

const observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(changes) {
// do something with the changes
}, {
threshold: [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]

The example above executes the callback function when the target element enters/exits the intersection root (i.e. intersection ratio of 0), then again when its intersection ratio crosses 0.25, then 0.5, etc.

The Callback Function

The callback function, when executed, is passed an array of entries, each an instance of IntersectionObserverEntry. This is an array because the Intersection Observer object can be used to observe multiple target elements, so it just reports intersection changes for these multiple elements together.

Each IntersectionObserverEntry object has the following helpful properties:

  • boundingClientRect and rootBounds, the positions and dimensions of the target element and the intersection root respectively.
  • intersectionRect, the position and dimension of the rectangle representing the portion where the target and intersection root intersect.
  • intersectionRatio, the intersection ratio value at that point.
  • isIntersecting, whether the target element currently intersects with the intersection root or not.

Root Margin

The rectangles that are used to compute the intersection ratio are based on the bounding boxes of both the intersection root and the target element. However, it is possible to adjust the intersection root’s rectangle by setting root margins.

We can expand the rectangle’s dimensions by setting a positive root margin, and shrink it by setting a negative root margin.

Root margins can be specified using a syntax that is similar to setting CSS margins, e.g. 10px 10px 10px 10px or 10px, which allows us to customize the bounding box dimensions on all sides, or just on some specific sides.

Specifying a root margin

By default, the root margin is set to 0px 0px 0px 0px. If we want to specify a different root margin, we can do so by passing a rootMargin property in the options object.

const observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(changes) {
// do something with the changes
}, {
rootMargin: '10px'


So that’s about it for the Intersection Observer API. I made a little demo where you can check out the API in action by interacting with a few elements on the page.

In terms of browser support, it is supported on the latest versions of Edge, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera, as well as on several mobile browsers., Feb 25 2018

The Intersection Observer API provides a really simple, performant, and easy-to-use solution to a common need in modern Web applications, and I’m glad that this has been added to the Web platform.

Thanks for reading! If you find this article helpful, it would be nice if you can share it so that other people will know about how awesome the Intersection Observer API is! :)

PS: Thanks to Julia Camille for reviewing and giving feedback on this article!



Arnelle Balane
Arnelle’s Blog

Web Developer at, Co-organizer at Google Developers Group Cebu.