Using the Ambient Light Sensor API to add brightness-sensitive dark mode to my website

Arnelle Balane
Arnelle’s Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2018

I just added a new enhancement to my website: dark mode! Because, you know, you might be viewing it at night and I don’t want you to get blinded by the brightness of the screen ;)

This article will quickly walk through how I implemented dark mode, and how I made it even cooler by automatically toggling on/off depending on the brightness of the environment.

CSS Custom Properties

I am using CSS Custom Properties (also referred to as CSS variables) to define the colors that I am using throughout my site. This allows me to place all color definitions in one place, and easily reuse them in other places in my stylesheet.

html {
--primary-color: #ffeb3b;
--border-color: var(--primary-color);
--text-color: #333;
--background-color: #fff;

To add dark mode styles, all I have to do is change the values of these custom properties, and the changes will be applied in all the other places that are using them. In my case, I add the dark mode styles when the <html> element has the class dark.

html.dark {
--border-color: #ccc;
--text-color: #ccc;
--background-color: #181818;

There are also other minor adjustments needed, like making some links stand out in dark mode by making them use --primary-color instead of the default --text-color .

Toggling Dark Mode

With the styles in place, I then enable it by adding the dark class to the <html> element. But I want that class to be added dynamically, so I add a button on the page which can be clicked to manually toggle dark mode.

<button class="toggle-theme"></button>// JS
const html = document.querySelector('html');
const button = document.querySelector('button');
button.addEventListener('click', () => {

Using Ambient Light Sensor

Now time for the cool part! I then make the dark mode theme automatically enable itself when the surroundings is dark, and then disable when it gets bright. To achieve that, I used the Ambient Light Sensor API.

A lot of devices already have light sensors built-in on them, and the good news is that readings from these sensors can now be accessed on the Web! To do so, we create an instance of AmbientLightSensor.

const sensor = new AmbientLightSensor();

Calling the sensor’s start() method tells it to start reporting changes on the brightness reading. We can also call stop() to make it stop.

Sensor Events

The sensor fires events in order to let us know whether it has been activated, encountered an error, or has new sensor readings. We can listen for these events and respond accordingly.

sensor.addEventListener('activate', () ={
console.log('Ready to report readings');
sensor.addEventListener('error', error => {

When there are changes to the sensor reading, the sensor fires the reading event. We can obtain the actual ambient light sensor reading from sensor.illuminance.

sensor.addEventListener('reading', () => {
const illuminance = sensor.illuminance;


The illuminance is an integer value representing the current light level in the surrounding environment. This Wikipedia table shows different example illuminance values under different conditions:

Using the table as a guide, we can determine an appropriate illuminance threshold to differentiate light and dark (in my case I picked 25), and use that value to toggle dark mode accordingly. However, we will give this value some allowance, because someone in a room with ~25 illuminance will likely experience constant flickering as the page switches between the light and dark themes. In my case I enable dark mode when illuminance is less then 20, and disable it when illuminance is greater than 30.

sensor.addEventListener('reading', () => {
const illuminance = sensor.illuminance;
if (illuminance < 20) {
} else if (illluminance > 30) {

And just like that, dark mode will now automatically enable when the surrounding is dark, and disable when it gets bright!

yeaaaahhhh 🙌

Feature Detection

This feature is really cool, unfortunately browser support is not yet very good. Edge and Firefox supports an outdated version of the API, and it is behind a browser flag in Chrome. You can enable it in Chrome by going to chrome://flags and enabling Generic Sensor Extra Classes.

It is also good to check first if the API is available on the browser before trying to use it. This can be done by checking if the AmbientLightSensor constructor is present on the window object.

if (window.AmbientLightSensor) {
// Supported, yay!


That’s how I added dark mode to my website using the Ambient Light Sensor API. This API is just one of the many sensor-related APIs that are available on the Web, and I’m excited to see how other people use these APIs on their applications as well.


Thanks for reading this article! I’m a Web Developer from Cebu, Philippines. I also write articles and make demos about cool Web stuff. You can check them out on my blog and on my GitHub profile. Have a great day! 🦔



Arnelle Balane
Arnelle’s Blog

Web Developer at, Co-organizer at Google Developers Group Cebu.