City on a Hill chenin blanc viognier 2016

Ed Charles
Around South Africa in 80 wines
2 min readJan 31, 2018

It’s difficult to escape Swartland. Though not the prettiest of the Cape’s wine regions, the wines are so bloody good.

I’m talking about those made with minimal intervention.

City on a Hill

The City on a Hill 2016 is one that knocked me off my perch. Bold, textured, savoury, spicy and with none too much acid, it’s also comparatively low alcohol at 12.5%.

The viognier brings that dirty edginess of tropical fruits that balances out the acid of the chenin blanc.

It’s just stunning.


It’s made by André Bruyns who is assistant winemaker to David and Nadia Sadie, whose wine I also need to explore more thoroughly.

Hurry! There are only 2,600 bottles.

Wine: City on a Hill Chenin Blanc Viognier
Year: 2016
Region: Swartland
Grapes: 92% chenin blanc syrah, 8% viognier
Natural fermentation. No irrigation. Natural fermentation.
ABV: 12.5%
Price: About R290. Available online.

New to South Africa, I’m exploring the diversity of wine in the country at one bottle a week. English by birth, I’ve spent the last 20 years in Australia writing about food and drink for daily newspapers, glossy magazines and my blog, founded in 2005.

I now live in Johannesburg and am educating myself on all the amazing, new, interesting and avant-garde wines available in this country.

Note: I endeavour to pay for all wines myself and I practice ethical blogging.

Originally published at Tomato.



Ed Charles
Around South Africa in 80 wines

Back writing. Asking questions, blogging. Digital consultant. Drinks Chablis, rides exotic bicycles. Pats small dogs and trills at cats. Designs stuff.