Fintech Podcast — Episode 143 — The Faster Payments Task Force Report is out, commentary with Jordan Lampe from Dwolla

Fintech Podcast — Episode 143

The Faster Payments Task Force Report is out, commentary with Jordan Lempe from Dwolla

Faisal Khan
Around The Coin
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2017


This week Faisal Khan interviews Jordan Lampe who is the Head of Strategic Projects at Dwolla. Dwolla is payments related financial services company in Des Monies, Iowa. Dwolla also is one of the members of the Federal Reserve Task Force on Faster Payments initiative. We had interviewed Jordan earlier on this (See Episode 113). Reconnecting again with Jordan, we ask him on the Faster Payment Task Force Reports that come out (two of them actually): Final Report Part One: The Faster Payments Task Force Approach (PDF) & Final Report Part Two: A Call To Action (PDF).

Both these reports were released in July 2017.


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Faisal Khan
Around The Coin

Banking & Payments Consultant | Speaker | Quora Top Writer | Podcast Host |