A One Stop Success

Nicole Eaton
Around the Crown
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2020

Earlier this week, the City of Charlotte unveiled the new CLT Development Center located on the first floor of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center lobby. The space houses more than 70 employees and blends technology and space to make permitting processes and discussions easier. It’s a change for the better.

Improving the Process

The CLT Development Center serves as a one-stop shop for land development. The concept was introduced in the city’s fiscal year (FY) 2019 budget after hearing feedback from those working in the development industry. Prior to the center, if you were a developer, you would have to visit various departments and floors to get separate permits. It was confusing for developers and residents.

“Although many of our customers will still work with both the city and county throughout the permitting process, the CLT Development Center enables the city process to run seamlessly. Customers and staff will be able to receive answers in real time, rather than playing tag via voicemail or email.” — Cate Marshall, Associate Planner — Subdivision

Problem-solving and Collaboration

The center has representatives from all the different permitting functions across departments. This includes plan review coordinators, subdivision, zoning, erosion control, construction inspection, urban forestry and development plan review teams. Staff from Planning, General Services, Charlotte Department of Transportation, Charlotte Water, Charlotte Fire Department and Innovation & Technology now work together in a unified space.

City Manager Marcus D. Jones visits with CLT Development Center staff.

Here’s an example of how it works:

Cate Marshall is a subdivision associate planner. Her role is to enforce the subdivision ordinance and review final plats for Subdivision and Zoning compliance.

Jeff Bock is a grading and erosion control coordinator. His team reviews and approves erosion control plans for compliance with local ordinances.

Both will need to work with a developer for the same project and it’s a lot easier to communicate with each other and the customer. They can bring in other counterparts as needed for one seamless process.

“Now that we are collocated, questions from customers can more easily be answered, the review and approval process feels seamless, collaboration has never been higher and relationships are being created for a more positive work experience.” — Jeff Bock, Grading and Erosion Control Coordinator

A Modern Design

The center has a modern design with an open concept and plenty of spaces to have discussions. The environment fosters collaboration. It also promotes problem solving. A resident or developer may have a question and they can come in and meet with multiple people to solve a problem. No more phone tag or going to various floors.

Open Floor concept with huddle spaces and conference rooms to the side.

The center is also equipped with updated technology that connects everyone to plans, documents and systems.

“The center’s location and design also nurtures creativity and accessibility. In collocating our work groups and integrating new work space technologies, we’ve made interacting with city staff less daunting and the process of development more approachable.” — Cate Marshall, Associate Planner — Subdivision

Employees are enjoying the new space and even learning more about each other and other pieces of permitting processes.

“I like the feeling of everything being new and the open floor plan. I’m finding that proximity to the other review groups is increasing my knowledge and understanding of the broader processes, and how we can affect one another inadvertently. As someone who likes to establish and build comradery with my colleagues and the public, the open floor plan fits my personality. I’m enjoying getting to know my ‘city family’ better!” — Jeff Bock, Grading and Erosion Control Coordinator

More Information

View more information and land development resources online at charlottenc.gov/developmentcenter.



Nicole Eaton
Around the Crown

Communication Specialist with the City of Charlotte.