Keeping our creeks clean

Nicole Eaton
Around the Crown
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2020
New Litter Gitter is installed on a creek.

Throughout the year, the city works with partners and volunteers to keep more than 3,000 miles of creeks clean in Mecklenburg County. Everyone has a role in litter control and reporting any stormwater pollution which ends up in these waters.

Introducing the Litter Gitter

This week, the city announced a pilot program to collect and remove litter from waterways in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area using devices called Litter Gitters. The devices are small, stream litter collection devices used to collect floating debris from stormwater runoff.

The devices will be cleaned weekly and after heavy rains removing materials from our waterways. Any recyclable material will be sorted and recycled. The program is also gathering data to find sustainable solutions for the future using the materials gathered by the Litter Gitters. It also creates local green jobs.

After one day of installation, the Litter Gitters have collected a good amount of debris, reminding us how much litter ends up in our waterways. WCCB Charlotte reported that the Litter Gitter installed in Irwin Creek at Revolution Park on Monday had collected 10 cubic feet of litter within 24 hours.

Collection of one day’s debris in the Litter Gitter installed at Irwin Creek.

This program is in partnership with Mecklenburg County, Envision Charlotte, Coca-Cola Consolidated and Osprey Initiative.

Report stormwater pollution

In addition to litter control, you can help report stormwater pollution. As a resident, you may run into situations where you may see something being washed away or dumped into storm drains. If it looks suspicious, you can report stormwater pollution by calling 311.

Creek Week is almost here!

Want to get more involved? Creek Week will take place March 21–28 ending with The Big Spring Clean, an annual stream cleanup event. Creek Week will also feature free, family-friendly educational events and volunteer opportunities hosted by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services and its partners.

Learn more or volunteer for an event:



Nicole Eaton
Around the Crown

Communication Specialist with the City of Charlotte.