Go to Around the World in 26 Days
Around the World in 26 Days
This summer, NASA’s DC-8 flying laboratory will soar up and down through the atmosphere around the world to study air pollution, greenhouse gases, and more. Chelsea Thompson (CIRES scientist at NOAA), AKA Iron Lady, will be aboard. Follow her and her colleagues here.
Note from the editor

This summer, NASA’s DC-8 flying laboratory will soar up and down through the atmosphere around the world to study air pollution, greenhouse gases, and more. Chelsea Thompson (CIRES scientist at NOAA), AKA Iron Lady, will be aboard. Follow her and her colleagues here.

Go to the profile of Chelsea Thompson
Chelsea Thompson
Research scientist in atmospheric chemistry and air quality, with the lucky position of getting to travel the world for science. Views are strictly my own.
Go to the profile of CIRES
The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences is a partnership of NOAA and the University of Colorado Boulder.