Day 6, Moscow: Cathedral of Christ the Savior & State History Museum

Rory Dent
Around the world: return date unkown
3 min readJul 27, 2018


So first thing this morning, okay late morning, we went back to this big white Cathedral. I had my trouser sleeves in my bag this time and zipped them onto my shorts in front of the entrance.

“No photos allowed” they say as they check our bags. We nodd “ok”.

Naturally, I managed to sneak a few pictures.

The floor wasn’t bad either.


I then noticed some stairs going down, there were fewer tourists down there, and more regulars coming to pray.

We then headed back towards the red square stopping for a quick picnic under some trees in the Alexandrovsky garden.

State history museum

As always, more expensive for foreigners. I opted not to go for the audio guide. I probably should have because there were very few texts in English. And then from time to time, we saw a text translated into English and then nothing for a while. So I’m sure it was very interesting, but sort of lost on us.

I felt a bit stupid thinking this was a musuem about the state history. But it’s actually the national musuem of geographical history, starting in the prehistoric. Lesson learned, I’ll inform myself before hand in the future.

Instead, I proceeded to take pictures of the interior.

After that, we hung around the red square, which was getting quite animated.

The Silk Way Rally 2018 finish line is on the red square on the 29th of July. We were treated to some traditional and door less traditionel music and dancing.

I wanted an ice-cream but decided against it when I saw the price for locals is 70 Rubbles vs 100 Rubbles for foreigners. Outrageous.

We went back to the hostel, showered, cooked dinner and then went back to the red square as night was falling.

I caved and bought an ice-cream.

Then we just wondered about, but not too far.

