Days 25–26, Irkutsk, part 2

Rory Dent
Around the world: return date unkown
3 min readAug 18, 2018

Our bus arrived at our hostel towards 09:30, and the driver then spent an hour driving around the village collecting more passengers. He picked up the wrong passengers, so they had to get off the bus and that was a situation.

He then proceeds to drive towards the south, where the ferry is, but breaks down about 2 km short of the ferry, and without explanation pulls over and stops. We eventually understood there was a problem and were waiting for a replacement vehicle.

On the ferry, people throw bread into the lake, seagulls flock to the boat.

Last view of the lake and Olkhon Island

Arriving at Irkutsk, our hostel is hard to find (sensing a pattern here). It is on the 4rth floor of a building, the mattresses were so thin, it was quite uncomfortable, we were looking forward to the train. We have 2 nights in this hostel.

A hat shop

After dropping off our bags, we head out in search of a café with WiFi, where we write about our stay on Olkhon island, medium bugs and I cannot finish my article, so end up finishing it the following day in another café.

Memorial to the dead soldiers of World War 2

The following day, we meet up with a 35 year old local woman, who contacted us through couch surfing, we walk around town a little and she explains briefly what the different monuments and statues are, but appart from that wasn’t very talkative. We part awkwardly a couple of hours later.

The founder of Irkutsk

Tired and wanting to get out of the sun, we go hunting for a café, where I am able to finish my previous post. We are eager to leave Russia.

Just above the toilets in the café

That night, at the hostel, I take a shower as one does, and choose to have it cold, turn the shower off to wash, and turn it back on to rinse. No more water. Actually, no more COLD water, but there is still hot water. Without the cold water to balance the temperature however, it quickly becomes too hot to rinse my arms and legs, let alone the rest of my body.

How the hell can one have no more cold water but still have hot water?!

We get up early the next morning to take our train for Ulaanbaatar.

