Climate Change: Effect Around the World

Prashant kumar Gupta
Around The World
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2019

Climate change a phenomenon we all are familiar today, surprisingly our future generation seems taking more interest in it than our current leadership. In this series, I’m going to write about the Effect of Climate Change on the World and our lives. Before that lets track from where this term came in existence and go through the history of it in a brief manner.

A Bit of History

According to Wikipedia: “Climate Change” is emerged from the related term “climatic change” which was first proposed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1966 to encompass all forms of climatic variability on time-scales longer than 10 years, but regardless of cause. During the 1970s, the term climate change replaced climatic change to focus on anthropogenic causes, as it became clear that human activities had the potential to drastically alter the climate. Climate change was incorporated in the title of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).”

The phenomenon was well recognized in the 1970–80s and from this time different leaders of the powerful economy have tried suppressing it. I think, they must be accepting it in a closed meeting room but could not accept it in public citing financial reasons and loss their country could have it due to it when oil was driving the economy. And no doubt oil plays an important role in Climate Change.


With many Studies & researches about Climate Change, the world soon started realizing that something worse may happen if they don’t start acting on it. UN also supported the cause and soon it becomes a sensational topic around the world. Debates around the News Channels started “Is Climate Change Real ?”. I still remember how few News Channel Anchors tried there best to convince their viewers it's not real. Its some Russian Agenda to harm the country's economy. I think whoever was paying them earlier couldn’t afford them now, that's why those ‘News Celebrities’ also started speaking about Climate Change in a positive way. And till today 4 countries UK, Ireland, Canada and France have declared climate emergencies. No doubt the number can grow to 40 by next year, but the seriousness of acting on it still seems a mile away because all four of the mentioned country have invested billions of dollars to support the fossil fuel industry at home and abroad. Let's leave it here who want to accept or who want to act because it's already late and climate change is happening to show all adverse effect slowly.

I believe there will be life even after the harsh time of Climate Change will be over & Earth will be in some other stable condition. But definitely all are not going to survive. And the loss will depend on how sensibly the people across the world are acting. Only if the world act as the community will minimize the effect.


In this series, I will be presenting you my thought on climate change based on research and studies made by different people. I'll try to put a concise report on how the world is looking as climate changing is happening. And ll also try to put as many diverse views as possible definitely ignoring those who still shout its a myth or media-hyped topic.

In the coming stories, I'll do write on How Climate Change will affect us Socially & Economically. Climate Change will not only bring us the Natural disaster like Flash Flood, Landslides, Untimed Rain & Extreme High temperature that we all know today. It will also bring us more problems than we hardly imagine today. Mass Migration is one of the major problems. Other consist of Spreading diseases, lack of Drinkable Water & Food and huge loss of infrastructure.

Also, I’ll write about How a Country like Russia is getting a huge advantage due to Climate Change. What effect it is going to put on World Economy & Politics.

Stay Tuned with the series for a detailed story about the effects of Climate Change.

