ARPA Biweekly Report 6.12- 6.28| June Progress Review

ARPA Official
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2019

The past 2 weeks we have seen numerous advancements and developments in ARPA, and we are very excited to share these with our community members.

01 ARPA Development & Technology Progress

  • Completed the overall design of the main network smart contract
  • Updated the design of the mainnet’s consensus mechanism and the overall framework
  • Project Apollo’s daily check-in functionality is now live
  • Project Apollo’s invitation functionality is ready and online

02 Events

From June 4th to 5th, ARPA was invited to the 2019 Big Data Industry Summit, hosted by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), China Communications Standards Association, and the China Big Data Technology Standards Promotion Committee and China IDC Circle.

Founded in 1957, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (hereinafter referred to as “CAICT”) is a scientific research institute directly under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China.

At the summit, the “Standard for Data Circulation Products Based on Secure Multi-party Computation” (the Standard), led by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, was officially released. Also involved in the process were, Ant Financial, Baidu Security, Ali Security and other notable institutions.

ARPA was deeply involved and directly led the compilation of multiple contents of the cryptographic protocol level in the Standard, and provided a large number of opinions and suggestions on the theoretical and product aspects of secure multi-party computing. At the same time, ARPA has reached a long-term deep cooperative relationship with China Information and Communication Research Institute.

On June 14, ARPA was invited to participate in the Shenzhen FinTech Summit “The New Direction of FinTech Development”, hosted by the Shenzhen Internet Finance Association, together with Alibaba Cloud.

The ARPA team delivered a speech entitled “How Blockchain and MPC Can Help the Financial Credit and Credit Enhancement”, and discussed in depth the new models, new directions and new opportunities of the Fintech industry with the peers and association leaders in the industry.

June 15th, ARPA Co-founder & CEO Felix Xu was invited to deliver a roundtable talk in the Trusted Computing Conference, hosted by GXChain in Hangzhou. Felix delivered a roundtable discussion with the management from GXChain, HyperChain and PlatON.

Felix Xu attended the round table and talked with GXChain blockchain R&D director Lan Haoxiang, PlatOn’s CIO Tang Honggang, HyperChain’s data sharing and security computing platform leader Wang Xiaoyi, and the data economy road to trusted computing. Explain and explore.

On June 29th, ARPA CEO Felix Xu was invited to participate in the Ethereum Technology and Applications Conference. Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin also gave a speech on sharding.

03 Community Progress

ARPA is Getting Listed on Binance DEX

On June 26th, ARPA announced that it is going to be listed on the decentralized exchange Binance DEX. ARPA will be one of the first batch projects that migrate their tokens to Binance Chain and get listed on Binance DEX.

ARPA will convert a portion of the ERC-20-based tokens into BEP-2 tokens, native to the Binance Chain ecosystem. The migration of ARPA ERC-20 tokens to BEP-2 tokens has already begun and the swap tool can be found here (

Upon completion of the migration, the token holder will be able to extract and transfer the ARPA to a BEP2-compatible wallet.

Trading Competition

On June 26th, the MXC Community & BISS Community & BiKi Community held a trading competition for ARPA holders. More than 2,000 participants joined the competition.

ARPA Social Media Data:

Telegraph group: 35,000 people

WeChat group: 22,000 people

About ARPA

ARPA is committed to providing secure data transfer solutions based on cryptographic operations and blockchain for businesses and individuals.

The ARPA secure multi-party computing network can be used as a protocol layer to implement privacy computing capabilities for the public chain, and enables developers to build efficient, secure, and data-protected business applications on private smart contracts. Enterprise and personal data can be analyzed or utilized securely on the ARPA computing network without fear of exposing the data to any third party.

ARPA’s multi-party computing technology supports secure data markets, precision marketing, credit score calculations, and even the safe realisation of personal data.

ARPA’s core team is highly international, with Ph.D. in cryptography from Tsinghua University, experienced systems engineers from Google, Uber, Amazon, Huawei and Mitsubishi, blockchain experts from the University of Tokyo, and AIG, World Bank. Data scientists at CircleUp, as well as financial and data professionals from Fosun and Fidelity Investments.

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ARPA Official
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ARPA is a privacy-preserving blockchain infrastructure enabled by MPC. Learn more at