Principle #2: You Might Need To Focus On Continuous Education

ARQS Belgium
2 min readJan 3, 2018


The moment we think we know it all, we stop growing. When developing a true passion for learning; you’ll not only be a lifelong learner, but also growing your potential exponentially.

We read, think, discuss, re-think, act and watch because we want to grow. Not only for ourselves, but also for our company, spouse and our clients. The more you know, the more toys you have to play around with and experiment. You can make a difference!

With this strong belief, we help our clients in becoming lifelong learners as well. Be it just a team or an entire organisation. Next to our consultancy services we offer a wide array of trainings and educational services for people to reach the next level. What we teach is also what we practise and what we practise is what we teach.

It’s important that you have enough knowledge to experiment with new things. We always say, “you don’t know what you don’t know”. So, we better make sure we know more tomorrow than we did today and this can only be achieved by learning continuously. May it be through reading books, watching educational videos, listening to podcasts or actively engage in discussions, practices and activities to get a better understanding about a subject, it’s the consistency and continuity that matters.

Our ever-growing toy box contains a wide variety of principles, ideas, philosophies and lessons we learnt, which we then teach and apply in environments where both we and our clients see fit.

The smaller your toy box, the more limited you are in experimenting with what you know, reducing the chance to solve a specific problem which you have never encountered before. Instead, the same solution, the one for a different problem, is applied over and over again, expecting the same result.

If only it were so simple…

This article is number two in a series of ten, find out more by checking out our previous publications!

Are you Interested in joining our lifelong learning community? Subscribe to our newsletter or one of our various social channels! (Twitter, LinkedIn and/or Medium)

P.S.: Also stay tuned for the launch of ARQS Academy early 2018. Stop schooling, start learning!



ARQS Belgium
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