What Makes a Great iOS Mobile App in 2016.

Increase user retention and app engagement with latest trends and solutions in the mobile app development industry.

Oleksiy Kuryliak
3 min readDec 22, 2015


Mobile Applications development is one of the most trending topics in the media recently. Makes sense, as following a study by UAB, mobile app market is going to reach $77 billion by 2020. That’s a booming market that is full of competition and challenges. Businesses have been struggling for getting better user experience and conversion rates from mobile users. That is why mobile app development, following latest solutions and trends, is a must to implement in any company marketing strategy, will it be a fresh startup or a grown enterprise.

Below are some hot topics which were noted from a conversation with Apple tech leaders in Singapore.

Arranc software development centre.

Trending in iOS app development technology.

Focus on iOS 8 and iOS 9.

92% of Apple mobile devices users is already using this version since Dec 1st, 2015. The other iOS versions users are mainly people who are not engaged with new mobile apps and, therefore, do not bring value to your business.

Do the Litmus test.

  • What are the pain points you are trying to fix (from a user point of view).
  • Empower the user with your app
  • Design directly for native iOS app and do not try and impose a web app into a native app. They are two different way of user-interactions and web app will never be working smoothly in a native app.

Why make it Native?

  • It will auto pick the language set in the settings.
  • Camera and native function just works.
  • Using the Uikit, SceneKit and multi-tasking features will allow the users to interact with your mobile app in a way that its designed by Apple.
  • It is much faster.
  • Mobile app does not need an internet connection to display content as it’s cached.

Time for a Great Architecture.

  • Use Swit. It is the future.
  • Use AutoLayout with the size classes to automatically adapt and resize the content based on screen size and rotation.
  • Build in 64 Bit as it is faster and will give you more app performance. The phones that can run iOS8 and iOS9 support it.
  • Honoring people’s iOS preference in app settings, and use them in the app without asking.
  • Font selection based on size and other typography options.
  • Appropriate language.

Universal Storyboard.

  • What happens when you are not connected to Wi-Fi or cellular networks?
  • Allow to read cached content when offline. Show a little bar with “no internet connection” for users.
  • Never use a loading circle as it will lock the screen and the user can’t do anything.

Interactions Design.

  • Simple workflow — don’t bury screens with 2–3–4 or more layers into the app.
  • Easy and accessible navigation.
  • Contemporary transitions (animations) on the clock in iPhone is a good example. No fancy 3D animation or transition, build everything in 2D.
  • User-centered design. Have a clear reason for a feature or function and you should make it intuitive. Meaning you know what will happen before you click a button. Don’t hide important features behind a click.

Visual Design.

  • Use standard control buttons as much as possible.
  • Limited custom controls will make it easier to maintain the application and quickly update the app for the next iOS version.
  • High-resolution graphics.
  • Familiar Iconography is a must. Use a default thumb for like as everyone knows it, and do not start creating new icons from day one.
  • Consistency in use of symbols, screen displays and animations.
  • Minimal Branding — Everyone knows what app they have downloaded and launched, so there is no need to keep branding within your app with logo, slangs or other not necessary information.


  • An app must have a fast start-up experience.
  • iOS mobile app doesn’t need to have splash-screens as they have no purpose at all.
  • Don’t use “spinner” when loading content, as that will lock the app when there is a bad signal. The only way to use the app is then to close and reopen the app. You don’t want this to happen.

Mentioned above are only recommendations on app development process. For a better understanding of what’s trending and what technologies are best for user interactions, I suggest you contact one of the top mobile application development companies in Singapore or any other convenient location to you.



Oleksiy Kuryliak
Writer for

Marketing Strategist. Founder of Rioks (https://rioks.com), B2B marketing consultancy, and a digital agency. Startups Advisor.