Why we need a better Ethereum

Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2017

If you’re asking yourself this question, you’ve probably never used MyEtherWallet, Geth or the likes. In this case, here’s a quick illustration for you:not-so-perfect key storage, weird interface, confusing options, and, of course, slow execution of smart contracts.

If the world needs the next iPhone, we surely do need a better smart contract platform.

When Whatsapp came out, I stopped using SMS. It took my friends a while to switch over, but eventually, most of them did. Then Viber with it’s video streaming came out. When that happened, I thought: “Who needs another messenger now? Viber has everything: video, voice, and STICKERS!!!!”. But look at me now, I switched to Telegram! I don’t even remember when I last opened my Viber.

What is it exactly that makes us move from one product to another? Sometimes the differences in features are hard to grasp. And sometimes we downgrade from something advanced to something more simple. But trends do change.

The pains we go through to trade ERC20 tokens and to keep our ETH safe definitely gives a lot of room for improvement. Last week I spoke to a guy from Greece. He owns a hotel, and he is far from being technical. He bought a ton of bitcoins in 2015 for $200 each. And this week he tried to send his bitcoin cash but accidentally passed the wrong address. He wasn’t hacked, there was no bug in his wallet, he just typed in the wrong address. He lost a fortune in a human error that he could have avoided if designers of bitcoin traded the philosophy of design for better user experience.

Less than 1% of the population are blockchain geeks. They stand for the values of decentralization and feel comfortable with a command shell to manage their crypto wealth. Ordinary people need to be able to use cryptocurrencies too. One has to design systems with non-technical people in mind. Wallets can be decentralized, yet easy to use for both, developers and the end users.

Keeping this in mind, a lite wallet design platform of Annihilat.io is about to commence. Undoubtedly, we have a long way to go, and the competition among the blockchains is fierce. With this new industry making its first baby steps we have a good chance to find our place in the world.

