A Day @ Array

Welcome to part two of this week’s explanation of how and why we do things the way we do at Array. Earlier this week we talked about our philosophy of time and how our day is structured. Today we are going to look at some of the historical and cultural components of why we operate using the Finnish education system as a guide.

First, we want to be very clear about one point. Education is fine regardless of how formal or informal it is delivered. A colloquial education built on story telling is as important as a doctorate from an Ivy League school. The method frequently varies, the power and benefit of education do not. Array believes strongly in this principle.

At Array, we know that education is all about going from empowering the individual, to then benefiting the community, and eventually causing growth (whether social, economical, or political) on a broader scale. This is non-negotiable. How the institution looks, operates, and teaches, is the part we think can look a lot of different ways.

At Array, we emphasize small classes, great relationships, and a feeling of family. This means there is beer on tap, guest speakers, yoga, happy hours, volunteering, classroom work days, and industry partnerships that fuel our learning process. This move is all about culture. We want the culture at Array to bring people in, grow them, and keep strong ties with them throughout their careers.

So the history side of this is that education is a proven way to grow the individual, the community, and society. We can’t wait to bring that growth to Cheyenne, the state of Wyoming, and across the technology industry. The cultural piece is that schools are not one size fits all. Array is working overtime to bring a classroom environment that encourages amity, support, and builds a sense of family.

In the words of Eric Trowbridge, “We aren’t here to compete with other post-secondary education institutions in the state. Instead, we want to complement them and work with them to build Wyoming’s workforce and economy. We’ve looked at the Finnish education system to create another option for students looking to join the growing technology industry.”

As you can see, we are passionate about our students, our school, and our community. Ultimately this passion drives our decisions and motivates us to keep building better programs, options, and industry relationships. We know that connecting our students with quality education and then connecting their education with an employer is the best way we can impact our community and state.

Want to come to Array?

We would love the chance to meet you and see if we are the right place for you. Check us out, set-up a tour, come to a “Meet Array,” and see if we are a good option for your education and professional needs. Contact us at office@arrayschool.com or call us at 307–274–4500 to connect with us on any of these points.

