An Introduction


I’ve been walking around these last few days telling everyone who would listen (and some that wouldn’t) how lucky I feel about getting to work for Array. Semantics are important here, I feel very lucky, impossibly lucky in fact. And yet I am positive that I am not indeed lucky. My being lucky enough to work at Array actually has looked a lot more like a culmination of hard work, risk, and determination. Some stars definitely aligned (not to be confused with the eclipse), but I truly feel like I have spent the last 10 years preparing for just this role.

I love making things, creating things, and exploring ideas. I’ve been fortunate to do many of these things in the education arena. I was given the opportunity to create and run a new program at the University of Wyoming. I’ve been allowed the chance to work for an educational start-up company in Boulder, CO. I’ve taken a stab at blogging, health/life coaching, and college and career coaching. I’ve been a teacher for all ages including k-12 positions. And I have completed a masters degree in Adult Education Administration. Each of these steps was motivated solely by my interest to learn, try new things, and make things better than when I found them.

I’ve had many opportunities to settle in for the long haul and get comfortable. Unfortunately the same thing has tugged at me over and over in my work experience: the education system isn’t actually working too well. I continually see a break in the pipeline between learning and living. Far too often, there aren’t educational opportunities available that prepare students for real jobs. Or it’s there but unaffordable. Or worse yet, learning is a soul killing task and not an opportunity to be inspired and grow. Array is here to change all of this.

I feel like Array is an amazing educational model that puts people first. ET and Josh work tirelessly to make sure the students at Array are well-trained, feel supported, have a sense of belonging and community, and a real chance at finding meaningful work they enjoy. Having the opportunity to be a part of this is and to support this mission is extrodinary. I feel so aligned with everything Array is doing, and I literally can’t wait to get started and be a part of this team.

So despite feeling like the luckiest person alive, I know I’ve been preparing for such a time as this. I am excited to bring all of my experiences, energy, and ideas to Array. And I truly look forward to investing in this school, it’s students, and the state of Wyoming.

