
Yes, I finally get it!


I wrote this! I know is not much, BUT, it’s so much more from last week ;)

Monday morning I felt like Rocky getting ready for one of his biggest fights. I was ready to take on JavaScript!

The shift in my mind set made such a big difference. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy now, and that was ok.

I gave myself permission to be ok with not getting it as soon at the words left Josh’s mouth, and like magic, it all started to make sense.

I think I was so wrapped up on thinking “Geez this is so hard, I will never get it”, that I wasn’t giving myself the chance.

The week went so much better then the last. I was actually able to understand what each thing meant and did. When Josh gave us a problem to solve, I wasn’t just looking at my computer feeling like I was trying to read Japanese.

Now I know, and get, the difference between a “while” loop and a “for” loop. I know what functions are, and I understand how they make things so much easier. I get the difference between numbers, strings, and boolean. I know how to use an array, and I know how to use it with objects!

I probably couldn’t sit down and write a whole program on my own at this very moment, but I now have the tools I need, and I know how to use them. With lot’s of practice, I’m confident I will get there.

This goes to show what a small week does to our lives at Array!

Like Rocky Balboa would say “It ain’t over ’til it’s over” ;)

