A little preview of my “play-time” with Bootstrap.

Array Part 2, Here We Go!


It’s been a while since my last post, JavaScript has taken a lot of my extra time in the past couple of months. It’s still a working progress, but I feel very comfortable with it now. I’m still far from writing my own program but I can read it pretty well, debug it, and make it work too!

It’s hard to believe that the first 3 months at Array have come and gone, seems like only yesterday that I climbed my first day up to the classroom (literally, for those of you who don’t know, Array is at the third floor of an historical building). We took our mid-term on the 22nd of September and I did pretty well, at least I think since I was invited back for the second half ;)

I learned a TON in the first 3-months, I feel like I’ve grown so much for the role I hope to soon fulfill as a Front End Developer.

JavaScript hasn’t exactly been a walk in the park, the struggle was real! But I feel that has helped me to really get a good grasp on it. Array has a “No homework” approach, and I think it’s great for some people. Personally, I feel like the extra hours I’ve spent on it on my own have helped me really cement what Josh has taught us in the classroom.

As you may all have noticed by now, I love this field and I love even more all the endless possibility it has to offer. Josh briefly introduced us to Bootstrap last month, since it’s not part of the curriculum at Array. That was love at first sight!

I was so amazed of how many cool things you can do with Bootstrap, that on my mid-term week break I decided to dig a lot deeper into it on my own. I took a Udemy course, and during my break I got certified.. who needs rest right?! ;) I’ve been playing with all the cool things I learned, and put together a few pages just to practice some of the techniques (See image above). I just can’t help but looking at the pages and feeling so proud. Bootstrap is such an unbelievable tool!

While I was working on Bootstrap, something else tickled my curiosity, Angular! I just started dipping my toes into that pond this morning and, you guessed it, I’m enjoying the heck out of it too. I’m taking yet another course, this time on Angular, just to supplement all my learnings at Array.

It feels so good to know for sure now what I want to be when I grow up. (Yes! I’m still holding hope, one day I will grow up! LOL) I knew it before I came to Array that I really enjoyed working with the web. The three months at Array have re-enforced it, plus all the time spent on the extra tutorials on my own, I definitely want to pursue a career as a Front End Developer.

I’m looking forward to the next three months at Array, I’m looking forward to solidify all my new learnings, and hopefully soon start to apply them to a new career!

