First Week at Array

As I reflect on the first week at Array it still feels somewhat surreal. Everything happened so fast from the moment I spoke with Josh on the phone about Array to this first week. This week has been humbling, challenging and I have rediscovered myself as an individual.

Being laid-off from a job is never an easy thing, it makes you question many things about yourself and abilities and even though it is not personal sometimes you can’t help but feel that way. Being at Array this first week has given me a new motivation and perspective on life. It hasn’t been easy but at the end of the day if it were easy everyone would be doing it. This week I have had the “monkey voice” I’ve questioned myself on many things. Reality is it’s just like everything else it takes time, patience, practice and practice.

The culture at Array has really made this week feel a lot more comfortable and welcoming. The one thing about Array is that you are surround by people who have the same aspirations and the one goal we all have in common is to walk away from Array feeling like we all accomplished and learned as much as we could. Even though we are still getting to know each other the teamwork and the willingness to help each other in the classroom is remarkable.

