HTML5 Certification Day!


Only week 3, and I’m already HTML5 certified!

If anyone would have told me that in just a little over 2 weeks at Array I would have had my first certification, I would have been skeptical. I think the Array culture really helps sinking in the material.

I was a little nervous before taking my test. I felt like I should have spent more time studying, even though I spent quite a bit of time studying! The support with one and another was amazing, that’s not unusual in the classroom. Everyone is always encouraging each other. Once I started the test, everything that ET and Josh had gone over with us, just came right to me. We had 70 minutes to answer 70 questions, while Josh was supervising us. We weren’t allowed to consult each other, or Josh for that matter, during the test. Just looking up and see a fellow student smiling back at me, it was worth more then any other kind of help I could have gotten. I finished my first attempt to the test with 68 out of 70, and the second one with 69 out of 70. That qualified me for a Certificate of Excellence in HTML5. As a testament of what a wonderful job ET and Josh have done teaching us, and making us eager to learn, most of my fellow student got the Certificate of Excellence too. In order to qualify for the Certificate of Excellence, we had to have 95% of the answers correct.

This week Josh introduced us to responsive layouts, I’m so excited, I love to learn all this new advanced code. I like to see how much easier and more efficient things have gotten since I first fell in love with code. Every day at Array reminds why I made the decision to attend, this is my passion, this is what I want to do when I grow up. I practice what we learned in class at night, and I keep smiling looking at my husband telling him how I just cannot believe that soon I may actually be doing this for a living!

Here I am at the end of week 3, and I still have a HUGE smile on my face. My husband and I have this little game going on every night when I’m back from class, he asks how was my day to see if I’m still as excited as day 1. Well, this past Friday was the conclusion of week 3, and YES, still as happy as day 1!

Array was definitely the change I needed. The past 6 months have been a rough turmoil for me. For those who know me, they know how much I enjoy living a healthy life, I’d rather try to fix everything naturally than rely on meds. Well, I wasn’t happy about it, but in order to push through I had to listen to my doctor and go on Prozac. After the first week at Array, I felt like a complete different person. I talked to my doctor and I’m happy to report, I’m getting off meds!!! So, I was right all along, Array energy is just unbelievable :)

