Having some fun with Sketch.

It’s been a “Sketchy” week at Array!


This past week we put the code world in the back burner, and moved onto the right side of our brains, the creative side.

ET introduced us to yet another beautiful tool, Sketch. I’ve worked in the creative world for at least the past 8 years, but I never thought I could actually create a graphic on my own. Sketch made that process so easy.

The very same day that we started to work with Sketch, I went home and I tried to replicate my favorite icon. It’s still a work in progress, but it’s coming along pretty nicely (Image Above).

With Sketch, we also got a pretty good handle on SVGs. It was amazing to see the huge difference on the file size. I really enjoyed looking through the code that it generates, and figure out what everything did and how the computer interpreted the graphic.

While working with Sketch, we learned how to properly put together wireframes, mockups, and prototypes. With that, we got to work with a beautiful app, InVision. This is such a wonderful tool, I really can’t see how I would do anything without it anymore! In my previous job we worked in teams, the process was pretty inefficient seeing how easily everything can be done with InVision.

I’ve enjoyed the change, it’s been fun learning a different angle of our jobs however, this has also helped me really see where I want to go. I’ve known this since I started to work as a Visual Web Designer, the code part is really where it’s at for me. I’ve actually missed having JavaScript frustrating the heck out of me this week, I’ve had to sneak a few hours at night to keep playing with it!

I’m happy to have this extra tool in my belt, I know that I can pull it out and use it whenever I need it, but I’m definitely looking forward to get back into learning more code :)

