Legos and Coding?

Kent Tlustos
The Array School of Technology and Design
2 min readNov 14, 2016

Last week, if you had told me that I would be using Legos to learn this morning, I would have told you that you were crazy. Today, I would have to take that back. We took a dive into learning about the Agile/Scrum philosophy thanks to our guest teacher, Troy Whorten. Troy taught us the basics of what the Agile/Scrum methodology is after we have been hearing about it from other guest speakers for weeks. It was a nice change of pace to be able to learn the finer points of how it works instead of it just being glossed over by the others who have mentioned it. For those unaware, Agile/Scrum is a widely used philosophy in development environments to break down and, effectively, work on and manage projects, in a group. It allows you to break the project into pieces of varying difficulty and tackle it a bit at a time instead of just diving in head first. I look forward to utilizing this method now that I am aware of it.

It’s been a while since I have written a blog post and we have covered a ton of things since then. SCSS was one new aspect that we have covered since then. It is a preprocessor for CSS that allows us more power to manage our CSS files than we would otherwise have had. We also began our journey into source and version control using Git and Github. It is another powerful tool we will be using on a day to day basis to control every aspect of our projects as we implement new features and build our projects from the ground up.

Tomorrow our journey into jquery begins to put another tool into our arsenal. As the days pass and we add all of these new tools and languages into our repertoire I wonder how I am ever going to master all of them. It may take a while but, thankfully, I am looking forward to a career path where I will hopefully learn something new every single day and can continue to grow my tool belt to make myself indispensable to those whom I am working with or for.

