Meet our newest student — Alex!

What were you doing prior to Array, Alex?

For the last 13 years I’ve worked from home, as a copier service technician. It has given me a flexible schedule to be able to help care for my children. A good friend introduced me to The Array School and as we looked into it, we learned that several of my wife’s colleagues had great things to say about it as well.

After learning about Array, what made you interested in attending?

I really like the structure and philosophy of the school. While growing up in Europe, I attended a computer language/coding school in Geneva, Switzerland. I enjoyed it then, and have always wanted to pursue more education in this area.

Deciding to come to Array is a fairly life-changing decision. Tell us a little about what ultimately made you decide to attend.

Making the decision to apply for Array was not an easy one, but it is something I’ve always wanted to do and the timing and opportunity seemed right!

Are you joining us with any prior experience in computer programming or design?

It has been about 27 years since I have had any formal experience with computer programming or design. As a hobby, I’ve built a couple of personal computers and I graduated from the Cisco Networking Academy as a CCNA. As a copier technician, I network, install and troubleshoot hardware and software issues with PCs and printers (MFPS).

What would you say you are most excited about?

I am most excited about learning about coding and the possibilities it brings with today’s technology.

Let’s fast forward one-year. What do you hope you will be doing?

I hope to start my own company.

Tell us a little more about yourself — hobbies or fun facts?

I am Italian, was born in Uruguay, and was raised on the Swiss/French border. In addition to English, I speak Spanish, French, and Italian. In my free time, I like to learn and research things that interest me. Currently I’m studying calculus, physics, and Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity (time dilation). Fun fact: I have an 80 lb. English Bulldog named Max, a 13 year old lady pug, seven children ages 11–19 years, three cats, five parakeets, and 25 chickens.

How are you feeling prior to starting at Array?

I am both nervous and excited to begin this journey at Array!



Eric Trowbridge
The Array School of Technology and Design

Headmaster & Executive Director at The Array School of Technology & Design