Meet our newest student — Mark!

What were you doing prior to Array, Mark?

The past five years before Array, I’ve done quite a few things. I was an actor in short films and theater. I was a construction worker who built wind turbines (yes over 300 ft in the air). I was an English teacher in China and Thailand. And just recently I was a siding specialist for ABC Siding here in Cheyenne. I heard about Array from a good friend of mine who will also be joining us this year — Tom Spettigue.

After learning about Array, what made you interested in attending?

I am in love with ET’s vision. I think there is so much room to grow with Tech in Wyoming and I believe there is a massive, unexplored world yet to be pioneered with coding.

Deciding to come to Array is a fairly life-changing decision. Tell us a little about what ultimately made you decide to attend.

Of course it’s scary. But I’ve spent my life rising to scary challenges. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’d say after talking to Josh, ET, and other graduates that this is the future and culture for me.

Are you joining us with any prior experience in computer programming or design?

It’s definitely a brand new carpet ride.

What would you say you are most excited about?

I’m so excited to be surrounded by bright, thoughtful, and creative minds. This is going to be something very special.

Let’s fast forward one-year. What do you hope you will be doing?

I can’t really say where I’ll be in one year. I’m open to anything and finding what I’m really passionate about. In a perfect world though, I would be working with friends and good people to create mind blowing experiences for all you internet users.

Tell us a little more about yourself — hobbies or fun facts?

Fun fact: I love brussel sprouts.

How are you feeling prior to starting at Array?

I’m so ready that sometimes I can’t even sleep at night! Let’s go!



Eric Trowbridge
The Array School of Technology and Design

Headmaster & Executive Director at The Array School of Technology & Design