Meet our newest student — Quinn!

What were you doing prior to Array, Quinn?

Before coming to Array I worked as the kitchen manager at a local bar and grill for a year and a half.

After learning about Array, what made you interested in attending?

After realizing that a traditional 4 year college wouldn’t work for me, I began searching for other ways to get a higher education; while I was researching tech schools Array came up, and it was just what I was looking for! I was always miffed about not getting my Hogwarts letter at 11, but Array seemed like a close second; In the words of Arthur C Clarke, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Deciding to come to Array is a fairly life-changing decision. Tell us a little about what ultimately made you decide to attend.

A pair of regulars at the bar told me that if I waited to long to follow my dreams I would regret it forever; I called the next day.

Are you joining us with any prior experience in computer programming or design?

I took computer science every year I was in high school, it was the only class where I didn’t feel like a fish out of water.

What would you say you are most excited about?

Learning about coding from teachers that are knowledgeable and passionate about it.

Let’s fast forward one-year. What do you hope you will be doing?

I will be the head of NASA or SpaceX, whichever one gives me a better job offer.

Tell us a little more about yourself — hobbies or fun facts?

I absolutely love Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop RPGs.

How are you feeling prior to starting at Array?

Pumped up to 11. I can’t wait!



Eric Trowbridge
The Array School of Technology and Design

Headmaster & Executive Director at The Array School of Technology & Design