Meet our newest student — Ryan!

What were you doing prior to Array, Ryan?

Prior to Array, I was a Barista at Starbucks for five years. Before that, I was passionate about art and went to LCCC to study art.

After learning about Array, what made you interested in attending?

I was already interested in website development and found it to be an amazing career field that I could see myself getting into. I was amazed to find out there was a coding bootcamp in my hometown. Upon further investigation, the atmosphere and staff seemed like a perfect fit for me.

Deciding to come to Array is a fairly life-changing decision. Tell us a little about what ultimately made you decide to attend.

I ultimately decided it was time for me to start on a career path. I thought about what I would want to do for the rest of my life, being able to help people realize and execute their visions on how they want people to see their passion and get in touch with them is something Ican really connect with. I have never done anything like this before.

It was all very exciting and new, it seemed like I started a journey up a mountain and wasn’t sure how I was going to get there. But I have had so much amazing help along the way. It’s going to be a great adventure!

Are you joining us with any prior experience in computer programming or design?

Computer programing and design are still relatively new to me. I started learning the basics this year, and found it to be really challenging and fun!

What would you say you are most excited about?

I’m excited to start something new with my life. And share goals and inspirations with other people in my hometown.

Let’s fast forward one-year. What do you hope you will be doing?

In one year, I hope to be working for a tech company, refining my skills and learning all I can about the field I am entering. One day it might be nice to be the lead on some projects and be able to be a wealth of knowledge for other people to utilise in their coding journey.

Tell us a little more about yourself — hobbies or fun facts?

I am a really laid-back kind of person. I enjoy drawing, gaming, having tea, and fun conversation. I enjoy science and silly hypothetical conversations.

How are you feeling prior to starting at Array?

I am very excited to start learning more and more about coding and design. And to be around and help others who are learning with me!



Eric Trowbridge
The Array School of Technology and Design

Headmaster & Executive Director at The Array School of Technology & Design