
Jesse A Yates
The Array School of Technology and Design
2 min readJun 26, 2017

So my first week at Array has been amazing and very hard all at the same time. I wouldn’t say class was really hard, it was challenging for sure and a wake up call to the fact it’s been a “minute” since I have been in a class environment, but that’s been a refreshing experience all the same. The hardest part has been more on the personal side, being away from my daughter now for a week, which has been the longest I have ever been away from her since she has been born… So that’s been more of the hard part, but with that it gives me fuel to move forward and put forth max effort.

I have learned A LOT this week, its been fairly intense and a bit overwhelming, but so exciting! ET is a fantastic visionary and a great teacher, I feel blessed to be here, at the right place and the right time. I have greatly enjoyed getting to know my fellow classmates as well, it’s quite a diverse class, a lot of very talented individuals. I am trying to think of a way that I could summarize everything that we have went over this week, and I don’t think its possible, I can give it a try though I suppose.

I have been learning a lot on the basics, html and css fundamentals and how to link the two, which at the moment has been a slight challenge for me, but I know it won’t be much of a problem for long. Positioning was the major lesson learned today and definitely a bit of a struggle but still pretty fun. Thanks Array!

