

My first week at Array School of Technology and Design has been empowering, humbling and challenging. Learning code was something I only dreamed of. I always thought of the possibility of creating an online platform to solve an issue. The idea crossed my mind for years, but was often shot away by my doubts. I felt that I wasn’t smart enough to learn code. However, Array has given me the opportunity to make my dream come true. This week I have been exposed to the world of code and it feels empowering. My dream of creating an online business is closer than ever. I am loving it!

Learning code at this stage in my life has humbled me. For years I have been an expert in my field. However, this week while learning code I realized I have much to learn and I am no longer the expert in my field. I am simply humbled by this new experience and I am also very excited to learn new material.

There is no doubt, the cyber world is a whole new world. It has a set of new vocabulary, rules, and culture. All of which can be challenging to learn at my age, but not impossible. My first week at Array has defintely been challenging and fun. I had to start changing the way my brain functions and relearn the importance of paying attention to details. One semi-colon can make a world of difference in the coding world.

Overall, I have met wonderful people at Array. My colleagues are very helpful, caring and understanding. Regardless of all my insecurities, the environment feels safe and nurturing. There are no stupid questions and there is always time to address each individuals questions. I like the way Array encourages teamwork. I think the instructors ET and Josh are amazing and brilliant! They have done a great job at setting up the curriculum and the way they teach it. They make a very complex subject plausible to learn with their teaching styles and positive energies. I am very grateful for the opportunity and my goal is to make them proud. I am working very hard to quickly learn code HTML5 and CSS. I am looking forward to what ET and Josh have to teach us next week.

