Week 2 and 2.5

Jeremiah Howe
The Array School of Technology and Design
1 min readJul 10, 2017

The learning continues! (It’s like drinking from a firehose)

I just explained to one of my classmates that sometimes when I’m in class it doesn’t feel like we are learning fast enough to get where I perceive I need to be, but then when I sit down to write this blog and review the last 8 days of classes, it feels impossible to list all of the things we have learned or even know how to describe all of it clearly and concisely. That’s when I realize how much content we are going through! However, with as much information as we’ve gone through, we’ve only just begun and have a long ways to go.

We’ve all passed our HTML5 certifications through w3schools.com and continue to work with and discover more about CSS. We’ve worked on re-creating web pages and online forms and are about to learn Command Line using the Terminal and setting up a GitHub account.

I had a lot of respect and appreciation for what web developers do coming into this class, but now that I’m learning it, the respect level has deepened to a much great level. Coding is hard and there are so many things to remember and understand. It’s fun but so very challenging!

That’s all I’ve got for now… until next time!

