How to convert more sales with Augmented Reality(AR) on Shopify

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3 min readDec 21, 2020

Let’s face it, although e-commerce has become a highly lucrative sector in recent years , this implies, as if other platforms don’t have downfalls, but Shopify does. Merchants often face high product return rates — 25%* and consumers who abandon their online shopping carts — 84.5%*. You might not even hear about these 2 phenomenons, but they cause you to not reach your potential sale thus making you lose money.

What is shopping cart abandonment?

In one sentence; customers who select the products they would like to purchase, add the products to cart but for some reason didn’t complete the purchase because of the painful payment and registration process. By making this process fast and easy, we reduce cart abandonment rate by up to 46%

Why Cart abandonment Rate is important

Your current sales are just the tip of the iceberg when you think about all the people you successfully draw to your Shopify website. Based on several different eCommerce studies, the typical abandonment rate for eCommerce is 84,5%

if you have an average of 85% cart abandonment rate and making €15.000 per month by reducing this rate by 40% with ARspar, now you make €40.000. Gamebreaker!

According to researchers, a new customers is 7 times more expensive than keeping the current customer to make new purchases. Switching your passive customers to active customers who purchases products lets you save money on advertisement.

“Not every dollar spent is an investment”

Spending money on advertisement is good but if you have a very high rate of abandoned cart rate, that might not be worth it. Trying to draw more people who will not purchase a product simply is not the best idea.

So how does it work?

ARspar saw this need in the market and created a tailored solution and offers you its best to solve this problem starting from the first stage of solving the problem to the last. The only thing you need to do is lay back and enjoy your increasing sale.

For people who have heard the Augmented Reality first time, let me quickly introduce AR(Augmented Reality). AR is the technology that allows you to place 3D models into your room. Imagine as instead of looking into pictures, with a one-touch you an bring the product to your room. You can see its size, color and how it will look in your room.

Imagine; you are decorating your new working space and wondering how it will look or if it will fit. You don’t need to look for that meter any longer. With one-touch, you can see your new desk from your phone screen placed in your room. Place it anywhere you wish to, no worry about if it will fit. Not sure about some details, just get closer as you would do in real life. Or maybe you looking for a seat and don’t know if it will look with your desk. Just one-touch, now you can see your seat on your phone screen

After virtual contact with the product customers start to feel ownership and connection with products, increasing their propensity to purchase. Lastly, ARspar’s AR shopping experience is a new feature that enables customers to immediately buy the product with Ideal, Apple Pay, Paypal or other payment methods.

With ARspar the cart abandonment rate reduces, the sales increases, and the return rate decreases. On top of all this, the ARspar plug-in also provides valuable data insights on the customers’ purchasing behaviour. Making both the customer and your company happy.



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We integrate payment systems into Augmented Reality. Our improved AR shopping system empower businesses to make better decisions