關於 藝點
Art, a great Idea
“A.I. NEWS” evolves to carry forward the spirit of Cultural and Creative, specializing in reporting on branding, design, creative art, music, technology and daily life. Our comprehensive platform includes traditional TV channels, new media, and social media.
• Enrich your heart and mind with new knowledge of Branding, Cultural and Creative.
• Connect with Taiwan’s culture and presence on the international stage.
藝個 , 好點子
• 品牌新知,豐富心靈。
- 串聯台灣軟實力,齊手走入國際舞台。
電視收看 頻道號碼
凱擘大寬頻229. 中華電信MOD 157. 台灣大寬頻 229. 四季線上 82.
凱擘大寬頻 234.中華電信MOD 619. 台灣大寬頻 234. Home+中嘉215. 四季線上 153.
凱擘大寬頻 215. 中華電信MOD 377. 台灣大寬頻 215. TBC 217. 四季線上 78.
中華電信MOD 215. 世新有線 184.
Home+ 81. 群健北視南桃園信和吉元 81. 中華電信MOD 302
|全國數位有線電視 DCTV |
全國Channel. 004
All together, art together.
Experience a connected view of the industry behind the creation of, branding and culture with news reporting that journeys deep into the process, from beginning to end. Our journalists work closely with creators, branding owner, artists, experts in branding and culture, and the craftspeople that work together to craft the tools used in creation. Throughout the creation process of our media, we want to maximize the marketing synergy of the branding and culture we’re covering, and bring new knowledge of the subjects to our audience.
藝起 , 來作夥
以新聞報導模式,深入品牌文創產業,並與創作家、品牌者、藝術家、場館、週邊設備產業緊密結合,串連整體產業上下游,以媒體角色發揮最大的行銷綜效,將藝文新知帶到觀眾 眼前。
A.I. NEWS, non-stop
Starts from 2020
3~6 minute of each interview
4~6 interviews per week
Over 210 interviews
46 artists
64 musicians
45 Performance arttists
30 venues
15 life style brands
22 architecture (keep update….)
A.I News 2.0
3~6 minute of each interview on every Wednesday / Thursday /Friday
A.I. Weekly
30 minute program on every Saturday/ Sunday
藝點 , 不停歇
2021年 藝點 2.0
每週三/四/五 播映3~6分鐘報導
每周六/日 播映30分鐘週報
A.I. NEWS, endless
With a diversified reporting on gathering branding, design, creative art, music, technology and lifestyle, A.I. NEWS already available in multiple TV channels, OTT platforms, smart TV, and yahoo news web portal. Media exposure has been grown over 2M household.
藝眼 , 望不盡
專精報導文創、民生、品牌、科技之新聞節目,於電視頻道:Classica古典音樂台、AMC最愛電影、韓國娛樂台、靖天資訊台等四個全國性頻道播出(中華電信MOD、有線電視數位頻段),同時亦與民視集團四季影視、Hami Video、Li TV以及亞太Gtv等手機平台,亦有與多個智慧電視機、車用聯網、智慧音箱、聯網投影機等合作露出,合計收視觀眾超過200萬家戶。
A.I. NEWS, keeps going
“A.I. NEWS” creates media showing the links between innovation and industry.
Specializing in news reports on the branding and culture industry
Interviewing branding owners who might be rookies, professionals, or media giants
Art Messages
Publishing schedules and information about art exhibitions
Including coverage of ongoing arts and cultural events in our regular programming
Master Class
Artists are invited to work with us to record a guide showing our audience how to study and appreciate a piece of classical art
Art Point
Using visitor lists, we’re creating an advanced database which will link visitors’ information, appreciation, and participation, showing a map of each artistic journey.
藝直 , 向前行
巨擘/新秀/專業人士 深度專訪
邀集藝術家參與錄製 經典名作觀前導聆
A.I. NEWS, enrich people’s hearts
“A.I. NEWS” continues to follow international local branding and cultural trends, giving in-depth reports on the latest aesthetic exhibitions, technological trends, lifestyles of the rich and the famous, architecture and its relationship to travel, and more. We create media to enrich our audience’s connection to culture.
藝饗 , 富民心
THE A.I. Interview Room
The “A.I. Interview Room” includes featured talks on Art Spot News, inviting artists from all fields to share their creative thoughts, interact with their audience face-to-face, and enjoy a unique experience.
ULIGHT Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd focuses on international sales services for well-known channels and programs, including 24/7 TV channels and a diversified single program licensing service. We license the programs include movies, family entertainment, music, documentary, variety shows and kids which offer B2B content flexibly. We also run international 4K programs to match various 5G development services. In 2020, we established A.I. NEWS to report on branding, design, creative art, music, technology and lifestyle, linking Taiwan’s culture to the world.
主要為國際知名頻道及節目的銷售服務,除提供 24/7電視頻道外,更有多元的單一節目 授權業務,舉凡電影、綜合、音樂、兒 童,皆可彈性提供B2B內容供應。亦有 引進國際型4K節目,來搭配各式5G發 展業務。2020年創立報導科技、藝文、 民生的藝點新聞(A.I. NEWS),串聯台灣 的軟實力走向國際。
Future outlook
Through our reporting and the use of our platforms, we spotlight creative industries while we work directly with the creators and craftspeople who drive them forward. Our work will promote the expansion of cross-industry alliances and enhance the public participation experience. Through business development, we’ll produce international content, and push marketing and broadcasting via various overseas media.