Is Digital Art Real Art?

A debate over this question is raging on TikTok.

Kristin Merrilees
Art Direct


Photo Credit: Screenshots of TikToks by @/insertedlennyface, @/kittencreative, and @/pastanick

Humanity has often debated the question “What is art?” According to Pablo Picasso, “Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.” According to Oscar Wilde, “Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.” According to Hippocrates, “Life is short, art is long.”

And now this question is being debated yet again — only this time, by people on TikTok. Or perhaps what’s really being asked is “What is not art?” — and, according to some, digital art — that is, art produced using digital technology — does not meet the necessary criteria to be classified as “real” art.

Artists are extremely prevalent on TikTok. But anytime an artist is working with an iPad and a stylus instead of a pen and paper, the comments section will surely get heated.

Some commenters will say that digital art isn’t art, that the availability of digital tools makes it easy, that it’s “cheating,” or say that the app/computer does everything for the creators.

For example, take this drawing of dynamite by Nick Jacoy, @/pastanick.

