Welcome to the Stone Age

A world without power would be the end of the world as we know it.

Unsub Hosoi
Donut Shop Buddha


How will the world remember its history without a photographic record? One without a written record even. A history where we lose power and are left unable to access our hard drives, phones, or any of our current technologies? One where the storage clouds have all dissipated. And worst of all, life without the crack we have all become addicted to, the Internet.

Without power, and access to all of the technologies we as Americans have grown dependent on, the United States would fall into a depression the likes of which, the world has never seen.

Without Electricity

Without electricity we would basically go back to the days of homesteaders right? Wrong, it would be more like the stone age. People don't have the skills that the homesteaders had. Most people don't own books anymore because of products like iPad, Kindle, Nook. So most knowledge that would be needed by most, would be lost. The few libraries that are still around have no where near the books they once did. Now you order a book via a computer, and they contact you via your phone or email when the book is available. Well that's all gone now, so what books are at your local library today are all that will be available for quite sometime. Most people don't even know where they closest library is located to them. Remember, no Google maps anymore, so good luck.

Because we as humans feel the need to develop every square inch of land we can, there are not as many locations in America where animals roam wild. Due to the current climate of gun control and governmental bans, most people, if they even own a gun, they own a handgun. Ever tried to hunt with a handgun? Oh that’s right. You have never hunted before. nor cleaned and prepared an animal you have killed. You actually have never killed anything ever. So food is going to be an issue too. And with no electricity, comes no refrigeration. This issue alone would doom most of the United States.

No Electricity Means No Internet

The Internet most of all has made us lazy and dumb. Yes we have access to the whole of human knowledge, that should make us smarter then any generation before us right? Wrong. Along with real time, unlimited access to just about anything you would like to know has come the ability to survive without already knowing the information. You want to know how to build a house, hunt, fish, raise your child? No need to already know this, just look it up when you need it. Most of human knowledge that we take for granted, and currently have at our finger tips would be basically gone without electricity. And we would be screwed because of it.

Most Americans can not even spell without having auto-correct installed. Could not find there way home without navigation or Google maps. Could not attract a mate without the help of a dating website. Could not spend an entire night with their family without some sort of Television, Computer, or Netflix entertaining everyone.

No Electricity Means No Photos

One impact that most people don't think of is the loss of 99% of all of the photos currently taken. They are done so on a digital camera or mobile phone. My son is 4 years old. Every photo that has ever been take of him was done digitally. So anyone born in the last 8 to 10 years would lose every photo ever taken of them.

Most people don't print them out because they are planning to do that some day down the road. The baby books and photo albums we grew up with have gone the way of Facebook. All of those amazing videos you have taken, of your child’s first steps, first words, all gone.

I am aware that most feel that the chances of something like this happening is remote. I believe its not as remote as we would like to think. We as Americans have an ego the size of a brick shit house. We think we are untouchable, indestructible. Even thou we are also aware that a large percentage of the rest of the world resents and despises us. Some have made it their goal in this life, and the next to see us reduced to a pile or rubble. We are even aware of how they would take out our power grid, if they were to do so. We do nothing to prepare or prevent. We still we have no fear. I cant remember where I heard it first, but there is a saying that Fear is the first sign of intelligence. If that is the case, then we are all as dumb as a box or rocks.

Other then fortifying our countries power plants, and citizens building their own power sources, solar, wind, and so on, I don't have an answer for how to prepare ourselves for disaster like this. Being aware that this is a real threat would be the first step. Starting to get it into our heads that we are not indestructible, or too big to fail. That our way of life is just as fragile as all other forms of life on this planet. Once we have that firmly planted in our brains, maybe print out a few of those priceless family photos. Maybe printout, or buy an actual printed book on survival. Stock up on water, foods that can be stored for long periods of time.

I know this is asking a lot, when most of us that live in areas that are prone to natural disasters don't even prepare with the basic needs to stay alive.

Earthquakes, floods, tornadoes. Most of these issues would only take us off the grid for a very short amount of time. If all of the power in the U.S was to be shut off, it would stay that way for quite awhile. We would have a lot more to worry about other then food and water.

Just something to think about, or ignore.


So as with all of the blogs, articles, stores, and rants I write, they are filled with my opinions, ideas, and experiences, and nothing more. I hope you enjoy reading them, and hope they spark intelligent thought and conversation on the topic. If you are offended by anything I have written, sorry, It happens. — Unsub Hosoi

