City of My Mind

Keith Parkins
Art Lovers
Published in
1 min readNov 9, 2017
Just casually having a tea party with some scarecrows

City of My Mind, title track of forthcoming album of same name by Jewelia.

If familiar with her earlier work, this is very different.

Earlier work was like the young Kate Bush. City of My Mind radically different, more mature, polished and complex. An Alice in Wonderland surreal quality, reminiscent of Jefferson Airplane, the video what would expect and come to expect from Imogen Heap.

The album is being crowdfunded on kickstarter.

Funds needed have been raised. Any additional funding raised will go to adding a couple of extra tracks.


Monsters début EP from Jewelia, released mid-August 2014.



Keith Parkins
Art Lovers

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.