Coffee shop as art gallery

Keith Parkins
Art Lovers
Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2017
The-Night Café — Paul_Gauguin

As with art`tis prepared, so you should drink it with art. — Abd el Kader, 16th Century

Art galleries these days often have a coffee shop. What we are also seeing, is coffee shops acting as galleries, in part the loss of public space and the huge commission charged by private galleries.

Cafe Mila is one such coffee shop. Artists will often hold an exhibition at Cafe Mila.

Love and Light by Julie Smallwood at Cafe Mila

Love and Light, summer exhibition at Cafe Mila by Julie Smallwood.

art at Natter Cafe

Natter Cafe is another example, with periodic rotation of the art on display.

Much missed The Barn, which sadly closed a couple of years ago, not only had exhibitions, but also ran art classes.

Chris Skillicorn-Aston at The Barn

Detail from a painting by Chris Skillicorn-Aston, used as cover for audio book The Way of the Bow, was exhibited at The Barn.

art exhibition by David Bage at Boulangerie Bon Matin

Another example Boulangerie Bon Matin, where the walls are used as exhibition space.

copy of The-Night Café — Paul_Gauguin by David Bage exhibited ar Boulangerie Bon Matin
Vincent van Gogh copy by David Bage exhibited ar Boulangerie Bon Matin
Jerusalem Chapter 2 — William Blake by David Bage exhibited ar Boulangerie Bon Matin

David Bage had a strange exhibition, copies of masters.

Parisian café culture, haunt of intellectuals, creative thought, politics, revolution.

Object — Meret Oppenheim

Meret Oppenheim created Object following a conversation in a Parisian café with Pablo Picasso and Dora Maar. Admiring Oppenheim’s fur-covered bracelet, Picasso remarked that one could cover anything with fur, to which she replied, “Even this cup and saucer.”

Before he was famous for more than 15 minutes, Andy Warhol used to pay for his coffee with his drawings.

The cafe itself, the subject of paintings.

Terrasse des Cafés an der Place du Forum in Arles am Abend — Vincent van Gogh

For example Café Terrace at Night or The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum by Vincent van Gogh.



Keith Parkins
Art Lovers

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.