12 Haikus

Lance Pauker
ART + marketing
Published in
1 min readJan 12, 2017

Your Roommate

Gonna just leave these

three dishes in the sink and

pretend they’re not mine.

American Sunday

Can’t wait to sit back,

watch football, and forget I

need to do laundry.


Before a nice meal,

it is customary to

eat thirty breadsticks

Friend from old job

When I left, I said

we’ll for sure keep in touch. That

was six years ago.

Tech-minded Company

We don’t accept cash.

We ask you inject money

into our veins.

Morning Person

It’s the only time

of day I can commit all

my bank fraud in peace.

Old Guy in Sauna

So do you think the

Mets have a chance this year? I

am very naked.

Restless Couple

Got bored from looking

at my phone so decided

to look at your phone.

Appetizer Sampler for $10.99

I’ll have the hot wings,

the hee-haw hot wings, and the

honey eggroll wings.

New Yorker

The subway during

rush hour is the best time

to read Hemingway.

Entry-Level Meaninglessness

I lie about how

many hours I work because

that’s what success is.


Don’t tell me you don’t

like the thing I worked so hard

on. But be honest.

