2 Clever Ways to Use Chatbots in Your Sales Process


Alex Debecker
ART + marketing
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2018


Hey, do you know a clever way we could use chatbots in sales?

Allow me to blow your mind: to make… sales.

Wow. Revolutionary.

Just kidding, of course

In this post, I want to cover two clever ways I’ve seen companies use chatbots in sales.

These work particularly well with ecommerce websites or companies that sell ‘instant’ products (like ebooks, online training, etc.). However, the principle really works for any business. In fact, one of my biggest clients has used these and they sell intricate financial services.

1. The checkout power-up

Upselling is the Holy Grail of all salesman.

It obviously makes sense, as it’s literally additional revenue for 0 additional acquisition cost. Everyone at the business wins.

Some ecommerce websites try to upsell products at checkout. Some do it somewhat well. For instance, Amazon does a good job at showing you what others have purchased along with the product you’ve just added to your basket.

I have no idea if either of these books are worth it, by the way.

Others just recommend random products, hoping that you’ll throw them in without thinking.

A chatbot can do so much better.

The beauty of a chatbot upsell at checkout is the conversational aspect. You’re not just throwing products at the user, hoping they’ll add something in.

Your chatbot is an intelligent machine that:

1. Knows everything there is to know about your products. It automatically stays up to date with changes in descriptions, SKUs, etc.

2. Is programmed to be conversational. It’s not just showing related products, it can simply engage in a conversation.

3. Isn’t invasive. It’s not a popup with massive golden letters touting the ‘LATEST OFFERS!!!’.

When done properly, your chatbot can simply be available at checkout, analyse your customer’s basket, and intelligently make recommendations on products that go along with what’s in there.

2. How was everything today?

Purists will say this blurs the line between sales and customer service. I say pfft.

One of the newest ways to use chatbots in sales is to ask the customer about their experience, post-sale.

It’s simple:

- The user purchases a product.
- The user gets to the thank you page.
- A chatbot greets them, asks how everything was.

This incredibly simple interaction can bring so much value to the business. It’s on-the-spot feedback from customers.

Since you’re using a chatbot to gather this feedback (as opposed to a form or a frowny/happy face), you can make this super smart. Your chatbot can react to the feedback in real time, adapt its questions and even its tone.

Then, it can pool all the feedback together and draw advanced insights, such as cross-product satisfaction rates, customer sentiment analysis, and more.

Smart and low touch

What I love about these two approaches to sales chatbots is they are both smart and low touch.

These aren’t simple solutions, by any mean. They require work and expertise (as all proper chatbot solutions do). But they both focus on the very end of the customer journey, making them low risk.

Implementing new technology can be daunting for some businesses. This is why, for ecommerce website particularly, the two ideas above are interesting. They’re a great way to give chatbots a try, see the positive impact for yourself before investing and expanding.

⬇️ Any thoughts on this? I’d love to hear it! ⬇️

In this post, I expanded on two ideas I originally presented in this article: 16 Ways Companies use Chatbots (to Rock Their World). If you are interested, please have a read 📖📖!



Alex Debecker
ART + marketing

2x founder, 2x acquired. Interested in products, SaaS, and entrepreneurship. Write on alexdebecker.substack.com.