2 Quick Tips to Get More Website Leads in 1 Week

Hendrik de Vries
ART + marketing
Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2018

Your website is one of your most important business assets. It’s where every single person goes to find out more about you or to purchase. And website leads are the fuel that drives the growth of your business. Your website is everything!

Are you satisfied with your website’s performance or do you want an effective website? An effective website consistently generates qualified leads that convert into sales for your business.

You want more website leads, but holy sh!t…where do you start?! Maybe you don’t know what to change or simply don’t think you have the skills to improve your website’s performance.

Imagine if there was a simple trick that would quickly turn your website into an effective, lead generating machine. You don’t have to image it anymore. All it takes is about 5 minutes to know how to implement these 2 simple steps.

2 Actionable Tips to Get More Website Leads

If visitors to your website don’t “get it” in less than 10 seconds, they’ll click the back button and go to your competitors’ site!

But don’t panic! You’re going to learn how to tune up your website and walk away with more website leads than you can handle.

Tip #1 = Website Clarity: Make sure your Website is Clear and Easy to Use

Is your website easy to use? Or is it difficult for visitors to find what they need? Maybe there are too many steps between them and the outcome they are seeking.

The fix: Focus on clearly telling visitors 3 things:

  1. Here’s what we do.
  2. This is what it will do for you.
  3. Here’s what to do next.

When you clearly tell visitors these 3 things, you will end up with more qualified leads. That saves you from wasting time on unqualified leads so you can focus on getting more sales.

Tip # 2 = Capture Leads and Follow Up

When your ideal client or customer finds your website, you want your site to give them what they’re looking for and compel them to take action. Maybe you want them to request a quote. Or maybe you want to capture their contact information so you can follow up with them later. Whatever it is, it should be clear to visitors what you want them to do next and easy for them to do it. If there are too many steps, then most people won’t do anything at all.

This is one of the most common mistakes we see. Some websites get a ton of traffic, but if it’s not converting that traffic into qualified leads, so what?!

The fix: The best way to capture leads is to have a call-to-action (i.e. tell them what to do next) and give away something useful (and relevant) in exchange for your prospect’s contact information. This is often referred to as a lead magnet.

The key is to make sure your lead magnet is valuable and useful to your target market. Even better, have it deliver a quick win so that you can immediately prove your value to your prospect. Here are a few lead magnet ideas to get you started:

Next Steps

We practice what we preach so here’s our call-to-action

Check out one of our lead magnets (which of course will be useful and valuable to you) on our Resources page. (Scroll down to the Free section)

This blog is just the tip of the iceberg. You will learn how to get more leads that cost you less. This free guide also provides examples that you can mimic for your own business. If you follow the easy-to-understand instructions, then you will absolutely get more qualified leads. It has never resulted in failure (ever)…

To your continuous success,

Hendrik de Vries

P.S. Please contact us if you have any questions or specific needs for your website. I reply to every message.

