3 Things To Do To Become an Impactful Thought-leader

ART + marketing
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2019

Thought-leadership is not just a buzzword.

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There are a few questions that come to our mind when we see how effectively some people can express their thoughts.

  • How different are they from others?
  • Is being effective their innate potential?
  • Will I be able to imbibe that effectiveness by simply copying them?

There are plenty of questions flooding our minds when we consider the fact how/why are thought-leaders called thought-leaders.

These kinds of thoughts occur all the time regardless of how many articles we read that promise to show us the right path towards success. We all have something to share to this world out of our experience, we all are aware that we’re worthy to be heard, but the catch is,

  • How do we do it in an impactful way?
  • What’s the formula to be a thought-leader?
  • Or is there anything as such?

I have a pretty reliable understanding of who people prefer to follow and why they do so. With my years of learnings about consumer psychology and the science of curiosity, let me walk you through a bunch of things you should be doing to create an impact and become a thought-leader.

Speak with other seekers

All the knowledge you have gained are worth sharing. Unless you explore the outside world, it’s tough for you to know how valuable your learnings are. A billion people are looking to be mentored by someone who had solely learnt the things that they admire. People look up to those who are not afraid to share both their success and failures.

This gives them the confidence to take a leap of faith even when the world is against their personal desire. Seekers are loyal believers who believe in themselves and also in you. Spread your knowledge across individuals and groups who are determined to get somewhere and are in the middle/beginning of the journey you were once in.

Write and share

Writing is an ultimate medium you can share your knowledge with others who you think might need a push. The epoch we are living in now is filled with a handful of platforms for writing, where all you need to do is write and express the best you can.

The more you express yourself through writing the better you become at conveying your thoughts in the best way possible. It is a chain of success, whereas a writer you get benefited through appreciation and your readers enjoy the benefit of growing better every day by toning their thought process little by little.

Be funny but don’t bullshit

It’s interesting to know how people are naturally attracted to funny and hilarious things. There’s nothing to be surprised about, and we totally understand how good we feel when we’re hilariously turned on. Our oxytocin shoots through the roof, it makes us feel happy and contented. So, we start craving for it wants to have more of it, all the time.

This is the reason why to become a successful thought-leader you must obtain the skill to be funny. However, it’s better to stay within a limit than risk being hilarious at the cost of sounding dumb. There is a very thin line between how trying to excel in being funny can lead to disastrous damage to self-identity.

People know what they need and if you try to joke around without giving out any value, it would easily downgrade your credibility. Within the group of your audience, the exchange of respect is highly valued and expected. Keep that intact and the rest will follow.

It’s interesting how we always feel that we know it all but still struggle with a lot of it. Even though this is the very beginning of your thought-leadership journey, make sure you take one step at a time and do things that you truly believe in.



ART + marketing

Associate Director of Analyst Relations at yellow.ai | Exploring passions