49 Tactics to Atomize Your Content Marketing

Jay Baer
ART + marketing
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2015

Last week, I spent an afternoon in Cleveland conducting a workshop on content atomization with my colleagues Brad Walters from Lowe’s and Jani Byrne from IBM.

Content atomization (a term first coined by Todd Defen from SHIFT Communications) as defined in our workshop means:

Content atomization = Taking a strong content marketing platform or theme, and executing it in many, strategically sound ways.

I have written about the need to atomize content many times, and I published a how-to guide that details how we atomize my Jay Today video series too.

3 Reasons Content Atomization Isn’t an Option

For anyone serious about content marketing, I believe some form of atomization is a requirement, for three reasons:

1. Atomization is resource efficient
It allows you to cover more ground with your content, with less effort than making brand-new content marketing executions every time.

2. Atomization helps win the relevancy wars
Executing your content theme in multiple platforms and in multiple ways gives you a better chance of producing content in a form that is hyper-relevant to a particular segment of your audience.

3. Atomization includes built-in amplification
By taking your big idea and spreading it in many, smaller ways you envelop your audience with the concept. It feels like you’re “everywhere” and creates an attention multiplier effect.

49 Ways to Atomize Your Content Marketing

For the workshop, we provided an exercise for content marketers to think through how to atomize their own content. You can download it below.

We also provided a list of all the places and ways you can atomize content marketing. How many of these have you tried?

Audio Tactics

1. Podcast

2. Soundcloud file

Blogging Tactics

3. Blog post on your blog

4. Guest blog post

5. Linkedin blog post

6. Medium post

7. Tumblr post

8. Quora post

9. Infographic

Community Tactics

10. Linkedin Group

11. Facebook Group

12. Forum/Discussion Board post

Long-form Content

13. eBook

14. Whitepaper

15. Slideshare presentation

16. Case study

17. Testimonial/interview

18. Webinar


19. Email

20. Event-triggered email (marketing automation)

21. SMS messages

Paid Tactics

22. Remarketed display ad

23. Pre-roll video

24. Sponsored tweet

25. Sponsored pin

26. Paid Facebook post (dark social)

27. Sponsored Instagram

28. Paid Linkedin status update

Social Content

29. Linkedin status update

30. Facebook post

31. Tweet

32. Twitter card

33. Instagram photo post

34. Pinterest pin or board

35. Snapchat story

36. Photo gallery

User-generated Content

37. Interactive quiz

38. Poll

39. UGC contest


40. Youtube video

41. Facebook video

42. Instagram video

43. Twitter video

44. Video podcast

45. Pre-roll video

46. Periscope live video broadcast

47. Google Hangout On-Air

48. Video infographic

49. Blab video conversation

Download the entire list, plus grab the interactive content atomization worksheet here, from Slideshare:

About Jay Baer

Jay Baer is a renowned business strategist, keynote speaker and the New York Times best-selling author of four books who travels the world helping businesspeople get and keep more customers. He’s advised with more than700 companies since 1994, including Caterpillar, Nike, Allstate, and 31 of the FORTUNE 500.

He is the founder of Convince & Convert, a strategy consulting firm that helps prominent companies gain and keep more customers through the smart intersection of technology, social media, and customer service.

His Convince & Convert Media division owns the world’s #1 contentmarketing blog, multiple podcasts, and many other education resources for business owners and executives.



Jay Baer
ART + marketing

Founder of Convince & Convert, a digital media and marketing company. NY Times best-selling author, global keynote speaker. New book: Hug Your Haters