6 Ways to Research and Write an Amazon Affiliate Review Article

Grace Carter
ART + marketing
Published in
5 min readJul 21, 2018

Affiliate product reviews can be tricky to write. You want to be honest, but at the same time you want people to click on your affiliate link to buy. You feel like you should be positive, but not so positive that you appear to be shilling for the company. Then there’s the matter of getting your hands on a copy, or trying to write a second hand review based on other reviews and videos. It’s hard, but there are ways to make researching and writing your review a bit easier. Here are six ways to research and write an Amazon affiliate review article.

Don’t Sell, Pre-Sell

Amazon is pretty good at selling their products, as an affiliate, your job is to pre-sell. Your job is to direct them to the right page, ready to purchase, convinced by your review that this is the product for them. Since the customer is already searching for this product, by the time they land on your review page, they are primed. If your review confirms what they believe, and tells them what they are expecting to hear, there is a very good chance they will follow your link and purchase on Amazon. Then you get credited with the sale and receive your commission. Keep the idea of pre-selling in mind as you research and write your review article.

Don’t Rate Everything Five Stars

Remember that you’re writing a review and not an advertisement for the product. If it deserves five stars, then give it five stars. But don’t give every product you review a perfect rating, it will not help your credibility. Your job is not to sell, but to inform the potential buyer about the product’s benefits and services. Compare the product to alternatives. You can talk about the pros and cons of the product as well. Adding in these elements makes you seem more objective and trustworthy, and that makes the customer more likely to follow your affiliate link. Comparing products also provides an opportunity for internal linking, and that’s good for your SEO (search engine optimization.)

Use the Product

Your best shot at a good review is to actually use the product. This will involve a bit of work, but this kind of research will make your review a good deal more thorough and accurate. Once you have the product, reviewing it is much easier, as all you need to do is write down your experiences and impressions with it. It also gives you an opportunity to enhance the quality of your review by adding your own images and videos. Being able to watch you test out the product on video will add some serious credibility to your review. Play around with the product and test out its quality and durability. It’s possible to obtain review copies of products, as well as premium access to services for a month, and even a lifetime copy of a tool. You can also just use the free trial, when one is available.

Talk About Benefits

“Remember to keep benefits at the front of your mind when researching and writing your review. It’s fine to talk about features, and that is important, but what’s more important are the benefits the user derives from those features,” advises Charles Hopper, writer at EliteAssignmentHelp.com.

Your job is to relate to the customer, tell them what sort of experience they will get out of this product, how it will impact their lives. Benefits are your real selling points. You can rattle off a ton of specs and features while never actually making it clear how the consumer will benefit from them. Get to know your customers and what they are looking for in the product, then you can focus on the benefits they are actually looking for.

Review Without Using the Product

The best way to review a product is a firsthand account, but that’s not always possible. Luckily, the internet has made it relatively easy to assess and review a product without actually using it. Use information from sources you find online, and then based on those, write what you think it might be like. Check out customer reviews on Amazon, reviews on the manufacturer’s website, sources about how it works, and of course, Youtube videos. Just combine how they feel about the product with how you feel about the product. You can even flip reviews on their head. This is because a feature that annoys one person might be useful for another. Look at the reasons people gave for buying the product, then think about the people reading your review and think about what they are looking for.

Help Writing an Amazon Affiliate Review Article

Writing doesn’t come easily to everyone, so don’t be afraid to get some help from the professionals. Here are some good resources to get you started:

Writing Populist / My Writing Way

These are helpful grammar resources you can use to check over your review to ensure it is grammatically correct. Show your professionalism off by writing a quality review that doesn’t contain errors.

BigAssignments / BoomEssays

These are proofreading tools, recommended by UKServicesReviews in Boomessays review, you can use to make sure your copy is polished and free of errors. Your review is more likely to be taken seriously if it is proofread.

StudyDemic / AcademAdvisor

Check out these writing blogs for tips and ideas about how to improve your reviews. You’ll find lot of interesting and relevant information here from people who write for a living.

Essayroo / Assignment Writing Service

These are online editing tools, suggested by SimpleGrad (read Essayroo review), you can use to make sure your review article is grammatically correct. Simple things such as proper grammar go a long way in giving your review credibility.


It’s not easy to write one of these affiliate review articles. You walk a fine line between trying to pre-sell the customer on a product’s benefits and all-out shilling. You want to send people on through that link, yet maintain objectivity and credibility. Use these six tips to research and write effective Amazon affiliate review articles.

