A Journey from Ashes to Art

Mike Brennan
4 min readFeb 4, 2019


I couldn’t quiet the voice any longer. And in fact I didn’t want to. It was starting to cause me great inner turmoil and I couldn’t ignore it any longer. It was killing me from the inside out.

The Voices.

“I work all day at a creative job. At the end of the day the last thing I have energy for is creating personal art.”

“I wish I knew how to figure out my voice and style as an artist.”

“It feels like everyone else has this map, and I’m wandering around lost.”

“I’ll never be able to create art as good as _____________ “

“I know there’s more art in me. I’m just not sure how to get it out.”

“I’m tired of my art being spent on everyone else. Someone else’s product, business, dreams… When is it my turn?”

I just couldn’t stop these voices from coming.

Perfect Isn’t Coming.

It will never be the perfect time to engage with your art again.

There will always be more urgent and pressing demands. That voice that says “someday” doesn’t go away on its own.

And even if you do finally get to sit in front of a blank canvas or page, the perfect muse doesn’t always show up.

The perfect external or internal conditions don’t align. (It’s just when you finally sit to create that interruptions come one after the other.)

How Do You Come Back?

I spent 10 years away from my art.

How on earth do you return after such an absence?

And not just return, but come back with a fire, creating consistently. Passionately. Confidently. I wanted this to be true. But how?


There’s something worse than feeling lost.

It’s feeling like everyone else knows something you don’t.

I remember thinking that it felt like there was this map that others had access to but it was hidden for me.

Sometimes you need to ask for help. You need someone else’s eyes and experiences to help you get past where you’re stuck.

It happens to all of us, and at various times.

Every journey needs a map, otherwise you’re just wandering. And I had been wandering for far too long.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
— Albert Einstein

The Way Forward

Those statements above could have been ripped right from the pages of my journal. It was the intimate inner talk. It felt too vulnerable to speak out loud, let alone really tell another soul and ask for help.

The truth is, I floundered around for years (even after attending two of the top NYC art schools) trying to find my way. It was like I was searching for the answer to a question I didn’t even know how to form.

I was bogged down in lack of confidence, lack of direction, and lack of motivation.

I spent the first half of my life showing up asking people to tell me what to do, instead of taking initiative.

Maybe you can relate. Every once in while you get this restless feeling that you were meant for more, and that you have more in you that needs to come out.

But how?

I Know Your Story, Because It’s My Story.

It wasn’t until I suffered from serious depression that I decided to try something different. At that point when I uncovered something that radically altered the course of my art making journey forever. (As a result, I’m closing in on my seventh consecutive year of a daily art making.) My journey became one of ashes into art.

Through talking with fellow artists, I realized I was not alone. The things that I was experiencing were common plagues. So when my art making finally started coming together, I knew that I had found a solution that wouldn’t just help me on my journey, but others as well.

That’s why I’ve created my course “Your Artist Journey: Finding Your Voice & Style Through Daily Practice”. In this course, I share from my own struggles and experiences, along with several principles I learned during my 365 daily art making practice over the years.

I want to personally invite you to journey with me as I unpack these lessons. It has transformed not only my art, but my life.

This isn’t a course to teach you how to draw or paint. It’s about creating a daily creative habit.

In this self-paced course you will:

  • Find and develop your own daily art habit
  • Learn new insights and gain confidence in your art
  • Discover tools to maintain your momentum
  • Become part of a community of artists that grow together

There’s even a bonus: After enrollment, you will also get exclusive access to our private Facebook group and discussions only for students!

If you are tired of feeling frustrated and discouragement in your art, there is a way out.

Let today be the day you take ACTION! It would be my honor to come alongside you on your own artists’ journey!

The course launches the end of February 2019. Be among the first to be offered enrollment when you sign up at www.YourArtistJourney.com

Feel free to share with any artist friends you know who might benefit!



Mike Brennan

Visual artist. I create Rock Star Pet Portraits & Pop Culture art. Check out more of my work http://www.mikebrennan.me